1. Suleiman turned toward Jesus his grandfather
And his soul soared toward Jesus his Lord
١. ولَّى سليمٌ نحوَ عيسَى جَدِّهِ
والنَّفسُ طارت نحو عيسَى ربِّهِ
2. He had tasted from the chalice of salvation as he wished
Drinking the water of life, delighted in his drinking
٢. قد ذاقَ مِن كأسِ الخلاصِ كما اشتهَى
ماءَ الحياةَ مُنَعَّماً في شُربِهِ
3. So if you want the date of his death, say:
The Lord of the Throne gave him the desire of his heart
٣. فإذا أرَدتَ لعلمِهِ التَّاريخَ قُلْ
أعطاهُ ربُّ العرشِ شهوَةَ قلبِهِ