1. For every dignity there is a time that will return
Just as the dry wood becomes green again
١. لكلِ كَرامةٍ زَمَنٌ يَعُودُ
كما يَخَضَرُّ بَعدَ اليُبسِ عُودُ
2. And time is miserly after generosity
But after miserliness we see it become generous
٢. وإِنَّ الدَّهرَ يَبخُلُ بعدَ جُودٍ
وبعدَ البُخْلِ ننظُرُهُ يجودُ
3. If the country missed an old era
And if the Shouf region suffered in the past
٣. لَئِنْ فاتَ البِلادَ قديمُ عَصرٍ
فها قد جاءَها عَصرٌ جديدُ
4. Today its ruler is fortunate
A generous man whose fame amongst people was celebrated
٤. وإِن شَقيَتْ بلادُ الشُّوفِ قدْماً
فإِنَّ اليومَ صاحبَها سَعِيدُ
5. With him the forefathers live on and ancestry endures
He brought back to us the good news and that was not enough for him
٥. كريمٌ شادَ بينَ الناسِ ذِكراً
بهِ الآباءُ تَحْيا والجُدُودُ
6. So he exceeded it in his selfless service
We knew him from afar but
٦. أَعادَ لنا البشيرَ وما كفاهُ
فكانَ على مُجرَّدِهِ يَزيدُ
7. That stranger became greater as he came near
Hearsay did not lie about him but
٧. عَرَفناهُ على بُعدٍ ولكنْ
تَعاظَمَ إذ دَنا ذاكَ البَعيدُ
8. In seeing him testimonies became purified
A chief of the clans of Qais
٨. وما كَذَبَ السَّماعُ بهِ ولكنْ
تَزَكَّتْ عِندَ رُؤيتِهِ الشُّهودُ
9. Walking with dignity amongst his entourage
He kindles fire in peace and war
٩. رئيسٌ في عَشائِرِ آلِ قيسٍ
تَسِيرُ لَدَى مَواكِبِهِ البُنودُ
10. And in both he is never extinguished
He is the pillar without which
١٠. يَشُبُّ النَّارَ في سِلْمٍ وحَرْبٍ
وفي الحالَيْنِ ليسَ لها خُمُودُ
11. The foundations of Mount Lebanon would crumble
If the Shouf region is called
١١. هُوَ الرُّكنُ الذي لولاهُ كادتْ
قواعدُ طُورِ لُبنانٍ تَميدُ
12. The sides of a tent, he is its pillar
١٢. إذا كانتْ بِلادُ الشُّوفِ تُدعَى
جَوانِبَ خَيمةٍ فَهُوَ العَمودُ