
What is with that green mole

ما بال تلك الشامة الخضراء

1. What is with that green mole
In the fire as if it were in water

١. ما بالُ تلكَ الشَّامةِ الخَضراءِ
في النارِ وَهْيَ كأنَّها في الماءِ

2. And of the wonders, a fire has appeared
In a garden made inaccessible to martyrs

٢. ومنَ العجائِبِ أنَّ ناراً قد بَدَت
في جَنَّةِ حُمِيَت عنِ الشُّهداءُ

3. O gazelle in life around her bracelets
Dark skinned girded with a dark sash

٣. يا ظَبيةً في الحيِّ حولَ كناسِها
سُمْرٌ حَفَفْنَ بصَعْدةٍ سَمْراءِ

4. What do we expect while war still rages
When you face us with the white banner

٤. ما نَرْتجي والحَرْبُ دائرةٌ إذا
قابَلْتِنا بالرَّايةِ البَيضاء

5. Do not be proud of shedding blood with your eyes
For we have eyes that shed blood

٥. لا تَفتَخِر عَيناكِ في سَفكِ الدِّما
فَلَنا عُيونٌ سافكاتُ دِماءِ

6. And leave boasting to me with redness and cheek
For I have turned with a red cheek

٦. ودعِي مُفاخَرَتي بحُمرةِ وَجنْةٍ
فقدِ انقلَبتُ بوَجْنةٍ حَمْراءِ

7. In the blue tent, it seemed as if
You had spent the night above the blue dome

٧. في الخيمةِ الزَّرقاءِ بِتِّ كأنَّما
أمسَيتِ فوقَ القُبَّةِ الزَّرقاءِ

8. And I saw your eye in the blackness of clothes
So I thought it had become one of the caliphs

٨. ورأيتِ عَينَكِ في سَوادِ مَلابِسٍ
فظَنَنْتِها صارَتْ من الخُلَفاءِ

9. Wait, for your beauty is an unjust state
That has darkened so it has no long survival

٩. مَهلاً عليكِ فإنَّ حُسنَكِ دَولةٌ
ظَلَمَتْ فَليسَ لها طويلُ بَقاءِ

10. You have blocked the paths of men, so what if
You blocked the generous like the prince of princes

١٠. قد سُدْتِ أطرافَ الرِّجالِ فكيفَ لو
سُدْتِ الكِرامَ كسَيِّدِ الأمراءِ

11. The inheritor of honor which makes him needless
Of establishing a position and raising a building

١١. الوارثُ الشَّرَفَ الذي يُغنيهِ عن
إنشاءِ مَرْتَبةٍ ورَفعِ بِناءِ

12. And the founder of reputation which makes him needless
Of honor inherited from forefathers

١٢. والمُنشئُ الحَسَبَ الذي يُغنيهِ عن
شَرَفٍ تَوارَثَهُ منَ الآباءِ

13. His new surpasses the old
Like the craft of pentameter for poets

١٣. أوفَى وزادَ على القديمِ حديثُهُ
كصناعةِ التَخْميسِ للشُعراءِ

14. His pens and swords have bonded
And become alike in awe and sharpness

١٤. وتألَّفتْ أقلامُهُ وسُيُوفُهُ
فتَشابَهَتْ في هَيبةٍ ومَضاءِ

15. His ancestors taught him generosity
So he employed that teaching for his children

١٥. قد عَلَّمَتْهُ المَكْرُماتِ جُدُودُهُ
فاستَخَدمَ التعليمَ للأبناءِ

16. Muhammad follows the paths of the trusted one
Like a lion cub following the lion in the plains

١٦. يجري على طُرُقِ الأمين مُحمَّدٌ
كالشِّبلِ يَقْفُو الليثَ في البَيْداءِ

17. In the east, a west for the lands like its east
It dispels with the two moons from the seer's eye

١٧. في الشَّرْقِ غَرْبٌ للبلادِ كَشَرقِها
يَجُلو بهِ القَمرانِ عينَ الرائي

18. The two moons, for which the sun has no obligation
Of a dawn or for the full moon a time of night

١٨. قَمرانِ ما للشمسِ يُفرَضُ منهُما
صُبحٌ ولا للبَدرِ وقتُ مساءِ

19. Shawqi, my longing for those lands and who is in them
Is like the invalid's longing for cure of illness

١٩. شَوقي إلى تِلكَ الرُبوعِ ومَنْ بها
شَوقُ العليلِ إلى شِفاءِ الدَّاءِ

20. It sends us the most fragrant breeze, so do not say
The fragrant breeze traveled from Al-Zawra

٢٠. تُهدِي لَنا أرَجَ النَّسيمِ فلا تَقُلْ
أرَجُ النّسيمِ سَرَى من الزَّوراءِ

21. I have purified for its noble dweller my affection
And upon loving him have based my loyalty

٢١. أَصفَيتُ ساكِنَها العزيزَ مَوَدَّتي
وعلى مَحَبَّتهِ عَقَدتُ وَلائي

22. None can buy my heart but him
So he has with my heart the preemption rights of partners

٢٢. لاَ يَستطيعُ شِرَاءَ قَلبي غيرُهُ
فلَهُ بقَلْبي شُفعةُ الشُّرَكاءِ

23. If I do not visit him, then my letters will visit
Yearning with every maiden messenger

٢٣. إِنْ لم أَزُرْهُ فقد تَزُورُ رَسائلِي
شَوقاً بكلِّ وَصيفةٍ عَذراءِ

24. Submitting greetings to him is an obligation with us
Like the submission of the praying one, and supplication

٢٤. فَرْضٌ كتسليمِ المُصِلِّي عِندَنا
إِهداءُ تَسليمٍ لهُ ودُعاءِ

25. I have overdone praising the prince, so he said
You have been excessive, so leave some for my peers

٢٥. أكثَرتُ من مَدحِ الأميرِ فقالَ لي
أسرَفْتَ فاترُكْ فَضلةً لِسَوائي

26. So I responded, leave some superiority in virtues
For the people, and after judge my mistakes

٢٦. فأجَبتُهُ دَعْ في المناقِبِ فَضلةً
للناسِ واحكُمْ بعَدها بخَطائي

27. O you who have wronged the noble when you divided with them
And took each fine quality, pure and shining

٢٧. يا ظالمَ الأشرافِ إذ قاسَمْتَهُم
فأخذتَ كُلَّ سجيَّةٍ غَرَّاءِ

28. I saw poetry in you obey me
So I see you accommodate me in composing

٢٨. إني رأيتُ الشِّعرَ فيكَ يُطيعُني
فأرَاكَ تُسِعفُني على الإنشاءِ

29. It shows me the meaning I praise with
While I fashion for it the wording of my praise

٢٩. تُبدي ليَ المَعْنَى الذي أثني بهِ
وأنا أصوغُ عليهِ لفظَ ثَنائي

30. So for you is the beauty, as that is a soul its body
Is words counted through it among the living

٣٠. فَلَك الجميلُ فذاكَ رُوحٌ جِسمُها
لَفظٌ يُعَدُّ بها منَ الأحياء