
Longing stirs, and a heart that has throbbed before,

شوق يهيج وقلب طالما خفقا

1. Longing stirs, and a heart that has throbbed before,
And an eyelid in the gloom I've taught to be sleepless,

١. شَوقٌ يَهيجُ وقلبٌ طالما خَفَقا
ومُقلةٌ في الدُّجَى علَّمتُها الأرَقا

2. And an eye socket burnt with chaste love,
If a tear flows, its fire grows more scorching.

٢. ومُهجةٌ في الهَوَى العُذْرِيِّ ذائبةٌ
إذا جَرَى الدَّمعُ زادَتْ نارُها حَرَقا

3. Who of my fair people can judge me justly in love?
I'm his slave, and he is the one who gave me life.

٣. مَن مُنصفي يا لَقومي في المحَبَّةِ مِن
ظَبْيٍ أنا عَبدُهُ وَهْوَ الذي أبَقَا

4. When his smile hid from me, I wept blood
Like the sun that disappears but leaves a sunset glow.

٤. لمَّا تَوارَى مُحيَّاهُ بَكيتُ دَماً
كالشَّمسِ غابَتْ فأبْقَتْ بعدهَا شَفَقا

5. Slender of waist by the gentle curve, poised of stature
Like a branch bearing damask, not mere leaves.

٥. مُهَفهَفُ القَدِّ لَدْنُ العِطْفِ مُعتدِلٌ
كالغُصنِ قد حَمَلَ الدِّيباجَ لا الوَرقا

6. The hand of beauty wrote on his polished brow
A line whose essence is "Glory to Him who created!"

٦. خَطَّتْ يدُ الحُسنِ في مَصقولِ جَبْهتهِ
سَطراً مُلخَّصُهُ سُبحانَ مَنْ خَلَقا

7. I scratched his cheek by accident with a glance
So he exacted from my liver injustice without mercy.

٧. جَرَحتُ خَدَّيهِ بالألحاظِ عن خَطأٍ
فاقتَصَّ من كَبِدي ظُلماً وما رَفَقا

8. And for so long my eyes have stolen looks at him
That he said, I must cut out those who steal.

٨. وطالما سَرَقَتْ عينايَ نَظرَتَهُ
فقالَ لا بُدَّ لي من قَطعِ مَنْ سَرَقا

9. When the flirt saw the magic of my eyes, he covered up
Covetously, and traced spells on his temples.

٩. لمَّا رأى سِحرَ عينيهِ العِذارُ طَوَى
كَشحاً وخَطَّ لهُ في عارِضيهِ رُقَى

10. Those legends wearied me, his beauties,
Until I saw lines that dazzle the eyes.

١٠. تلك الأساطيرُ شاقتْني مَحاسِنُها
حتى رأيتُ سُطوراً تَبْهَرُ الحَدَقا

11. Necklaces I strung with ink on paper
Yet they were pearls, neither ink nor paper.

١١. قلائدٌ خِلْتُها حبراً على وَرَقٍ
فكانتِ الدُرَّ لا حِبراً ولا وَرَقا

12. A composition by a hand like a foaming sea,
He who plunges into its billows will not escape drowning.

١٢. منظومةٌ بيدٍ كالبَحرِ زَاخرةٍ
مَن خاضَ لُجَّتَها لا يأمَنُ الغَرَقا

13. I ransom my soul for the servant of God, a man
Like pouring rain and the rising dawn.

١٣. بنفسي الفِداءُ لعبدِ اللهِ من رَجُلٍ
كالغيثِ مُندَفِقاً والصُّبحِ مُنبَثِقا

14. More correct than one who pens a parchment, more eloquent than one who dictates, more articulate than one who pronounces the emphatic d.
He is the adept whose speech his tongue does not mar

١٤. أصَحُّ من خَطَّ قِرطاساً وأبلَغُ مَن
أملَى وأفصَحُ مَنْ بالضَّادِ قد نَطقَا

15. Except with praise that came to me unasked.
If I was robed in wonder at him,

١٥. هُوَ المُصِيبُ الذي لم يُخطِ مَنطِقُهُ
إلاّ بمدحٍ أتاني منهُ مختَلَقا

16. I learned refinement of character from his gentleness.
He watered the land of Zawra in Iraq

١٦. لَئنْ تَسَربلتُ من عُجْبي بهِ حُللاً
فقد تَعلَّمتُ من ألطافِهِ خُلُقا

17. As the downpour watered its pastureland.
I knew the breeze blew from his direction

١٧. سَقى الحَيا أرضَ زَوارءِ العِراقِ كما
سَقَت رُبَى الشَّامِ منها وابلاً غَدَقا

18. When I smelled the fragrance of his breath.
My yearning for his blessed quarter, a bird

١٨. عَلِمتُ أنَّ الصَّبا من نَحوِها خَطَرتْ
لَمَّا رأيتُ شَذا أنفاسِها عَبِقا

19. Is the invalid's yearning for what will prolong his life.
A quarter that is the highest sphere - the stars rose in it

١٩. شَوقي إلى رَبعها الميمونِ طائرُهُ
شوقُ العَليلِ إلى ما يُمسِكُ الرَّمَقَا

20. That rend the darkness.
Would that a meadow could quench my love-blight

٢٠. رَبعٌ هو الفَلَكُ الأعلَى فقد طَلَعتْ
فيهِ النُجومُ اللواتي تَصدَعُ الغَسقَا

21. From the river of peace, for my heart clings to it!
If I do not get a draft of it, oh my thirst!

٢١. يا حَبَّذا نَهلةٌ تُرِوي الحُشاشةَ مِن
نهر السَّلامِ الذي قَلبي بهِ عَلِقا

22. As if the pouring rain could water me.

٢٢. إن لم أنَل جُرْعةً منهُ فوا ظَمئي
ولو سَقاني هَتُونُ الغَيثِ مُندفِقا