
The book arrived, its fragrance dispersed as it spread,

ورد الكتاب فضاع طيب نشره

1. The book arrived, its fragrance dispersed as it spread,
And I was delighted by its prose before its systematic arrangement.

١. وَرَدَ الكتابُ فضاعَ طيّبُ نَشرِهِ
وطَرِبتُ قبلَ نظامهِ من نثرِهِ

2. It revived my heart as if in every line,
There was the face of the author of that line.

٢. أحيا بزَورتهِ الفُؤادَ كأنَّما
في كلِّ سَطرٍ وجهُ كاتبِ سطرِهِ

3. Eyes of its lover stared at it,
As if their blackness was from its ink.

٣. شخَصَتْ لهُ أبصارُ عينِ محبِّهِ
حتى كأنَّ سَوادَها من حِبرِهِ

4. A longing one remembered the old days,
He met persecution and attained comfort from its mention.

٤. وتذكَّرَ العهدَ القديمَ متيَّمٌ
لَقِيَ الجِنايةَ والجَنَى من ذِكرِهِ

5. O you who jokes with poetry to me,
Alas, poetry and its era have passed away.

٥. يا مَن يطارحُني القريضَ فكاهةً
هيهاتِ قد ذَهَبَ القريضُ بعصرِهِ

6. Poetry is from the folly of youth, and where can I,
Regretfully, find youth or its poetry.

٦. والشعِرُ من أرَبِ الصَباءِ وأين لي
أسفاً ومَن لي بالصَباءِ وشعِرِهِ

7. Gray hair has overcome youth with whiteness,
Smooth, so its blackness is captured.

٧. غَلَبَ المشيبُ على الشَبابِ بأبيضٍ
ذَلِقٍ فصارَ سوادُهُ في أسْرِهِ

8. A guest on my head, I carried its heaviness,
And hosted it, enjoying life in its entirety.

٨. ضيفٌ على رأْسي حَمَلتُ ثقيلَهُ
وقَريتُهُ طِيبَ الحياةِ بأسرِهِ

9. I'm amazed by one who didn't satirize me,
The generosity of nature was a sign of his excuse.

٩. ولقد عَجِبتُ لمادحٍ لم يَهْجُني
كَرَمُ الطبيعةِ كانَ آيةَ عُذرِهِ

10. It has become difficult for me to accept surrender to him,
And it is difficult to deny the loftiness of his worth.

١٠. أمسى يَشُقُّ عليَّ تسليمٌ لهُ
ويَشُقُّ إنكارٌ لِرِفعةِ قدرِهِ

11. A report circulated by narrators who exaggerated it,
While it was small when you considered its core.

١١. خَبَرٌ تداوَلَهُ الرُواةُ فأكبروا
وهوَ الصغيرُ إذا هَمَمتَ بخُبْرِهِ

12. Do not give your judgement on what first appears to you,
Until you stand on the truth of the matter.

١٢. لا تُعطِ حُكمَكَ ما بدا لكَ أمرُهُ
حتى تقومَ على حقيقةِ أمرِهِ

13. The best words are truthful beneficial words,
And the greatest of them in poetry are like its pearls.

١٣. خيرُ الكلامِ كلامُ صِدقٍ نافعٌ
وأجلُّهُ في الشِعرِ فَهْوَ كذُرخرِهِ

14. One whose poetry is mostly vain,
It is as if most of his life is lost.

١٤. مَن ضاعَ أكثرُ شِعرِهِ في باطلٍ
فكأنما قد ضاعَ أكثرُ عُمرِهِ

15. Hardships have passed by my forelock and startled me,
My skin shuddered and time frightened me with its deception.

١٥. مرَّتْ بناصيتي الخُطوبُ فراعَها
جَلَدي وروَّعني الزَمانُ بمكرِهِ

16. And sometimes the youth is safe from what he supposes,
While a wicked one hits him with what he did not expect.

١٦. ولَرُبَّما سَلِمَ الفتى مِمَّا دَرَى
ورَمَتْهُ داهيةٌ بما لم يَدرِهِ

17. And sometimes an ignorant one grows gray in adulthood,
While an intelligent one flourishes in his youth.

١٧. ولَرُبَّ أشْيبَ في الكُهولةِ غافلٌ
ولَرُبَّ أمرَدَ عاقلٌ في صِغْرِهِ

18. Alas, the heart of a youth is never in his age,
But rather his heart is in his chest.

١٨. هيهاتِ ما قلبُ الفتَى في سنِّهِ
أبداً ولكنْ قلبُهُ في صَدرِهِ

19. O you who suckled wisdom from its springs,
And was nurtured in the cradle of perfection and its neighborhood.

١٩. يا مَن رَضعتَ الحِلمَ من أفواقِهِ
ورَبيتَ في مَهدِ الكمالِ وحَجْرِهِ

20. You have attained what many were deprived of,
And the nights of time's superiority were like its night of destiny.

٢٠. قد نِلتَ ما مُنِعَ الكثيرُ وطالما
فَضَلَتْ ليالي الدَهرِ ليلةُ قَدْرِهِ

21. And people are of two kinds, one who profits,
Plunging into the goodness of time, and one who loses in its evil.

٢١. والنَّاسُ منهم كاسبٌ قد غاصَ في
خيرِ الزَّمانِ وخاسرٌ في شرِّهِ

22. So if you consider both sides together,
You fall short of complaining about time or thanking it.

٢٢. فإذا اعتبرتَ الجانبَينِ كِلَيْهما
أقصَرتَ عن شكوى الزَمانِ وشُكرِهِ