
Fate had vowed to its people, so it was never disloyal

قد عاهد الدهر أهليه فما غدرا

1. Fate had vowed to its people, so it was never disloyal
That it would never give them long-lasting joy or sorrow

١. قد عاهَدَ الدهرُ أهليهِ فما غَدَرا
أنْ لا يُديمَ لَهُم صَفْواً ولا كَدَرا

2. Fate keeps changing the conditions of people and whoever
Sees its fluctuations will find excuses for it

٢. دَهرٌ يُقلِّبُ أحوالَ العِبادِ ومَن
رأى تَقلُّبَهُ في نفسِهِ عَذَرا

3. A sun that sets, and after it a moon rises
And sometimes we see neither sun nor moon

٣. شمسٌ تغيبُ ويَبدُو بَعدَها قمَرٌ
وتارةً لا نَرى شَمساً ولا قَمَرا

4. People are between a resident after a traveler
And a traveler who follows the traces of the one who remained

٤. والناسُ بين نزيلٍ إثْرَ مُرتحلٍ
وراحلٍ يَقتفي الباقي لهُ أثَرا

5. O you who left to where we don't know any news of you
Sacrifice yourself for us by leaving to where we know your news

٥. يا ذاهباً حيثُ لا نَدري لهُ خَبَرا
تَفِدي لنا ذاهباً نَدرِي لهُ خَبَرا

6. You saddened the East when you were absent from it
Just as you brought company to the West wherever you were present

٦. قد أوحشَ الشَرقَ لَمَّا غابَ عنهُ كما
ألقَى على الغَربِ أُنساً حيثُما حَضَرا

7. You are the beloved, the loving, the loyal, the trustworthy
The faithful one, who among the people of love has become rare

٧. هو الحبيبُ المُحِبُّ الصادقُ الثِّقَةُ ال
وافي الذي بين أهلِ الحُبِّ قد نَدَرا

8. Your heart is soft water, except that in it
Is a covenant like an inscription that you entrusted to stone

٨. فُؤَادُهُ الماءُ لِيناً غيرَ أنَّ بهِ
عهداً كنَقشٍ قدِ استَوْدَعْتَهُ حَجَرا

9. The passage of nights increases your affection
Like a branch, day after day it grew and spread

٩. يَزيدُ مَرُّ الليالي في مَوَدَّتِهِ
كالغُصنِ يوماً فيوماً طالَ وانتَشَرا

10. And if I was inattentive due to my weakness, you would wake up
And if I forgot the covenants of passion, you would remind

١٠. وإن غَفَلتُ لضُعفي هَبَّ مُنتبِهاً
وإن نَسيتُ مواثيقَ الهَوَى ذَكرا

11. Your precious message came, carried
By a ship of smoke like a cloud carrying rain

١١. جاءت رِسالتُهُ الغرَّاءُ يَحمِلها
فُلكُ الدُخانِ كغيمٍ يَحِملُ المَطَرا

12. It quenched the thirst of my heart but I drowned in it
In an ocean of its surging waves that overflowed

١٢. أرْوَت ظَمَا القلبِ لكنّي غرِقتُ بها
في بحرِ مِنتَّهِ الطامي الذي زَخرا

13. It is the letter I called a seashell
In it is speech I called pearls

١٣. هيَ الكتابُ الذي سَمَّيتُهُ صَدَفاً
فيها الكَلامُ الذي سَمَّيتُهُ دُرَرا

14. It acted out for me the intimacy of meeting you
From where it brought pleasure to hearing and seeing

١٤. قامت تُمثِّلُ لي أُنسَ اللقاءِ بهِ
من حيثُ كانت تَسُرُّ السَّمْعَ والبَصَرا

15. O you honorable traveler, good omened is your journey
I see your affection not needing travel

١٥. يا أيُّها الرَّاحِلُ الميمونُ طائِرُهُ
أَرَى وِدَادَكَ لا يَستَعمِلُ السَّفَرا

16. Prolonged is the love letter of the lover even if
The letter he sends is short

١٦. لكَ المُطَوَّلُ من شَوقِ المُحِبِّ وإِنْ
كانَ الكِتابُ الذي يُهدِيهِ مُختَصَرا