1. The prince went away, so his return did not linger
Like the full moon in its orbit, it disappears then reappears
١. غابَ الأميرُ فما تَمادَى المَرجِعُ
كالبَدرِ في فَلَكٍ يَغيبُ فيَطلُعُ
2. His arrival in the west of the country caused turmoil
Its expanse was troubled and ached for him
٢. ألَقى على غَرْبِ البِلادِ قُدومُهُ
طَرَباً عليهِ مَتنُها يَتَوجَعُ
3. A man accompanied by good fortune wherever he went
And if he stayed, prosperity was under his protection
٣. رَجُلٌ تُصاحِبهُ السُّعودُ إذا مَضَى
وإذا أقامَ ففي حِماهُ تَرتَعُ
4. The Most Merciful did not waste the name of Mohammed
In him, and indeed Allah does not waste
٤. ما ضَيَّعَ الرَّحمنُ اسمَ محمَّدٍ
فيهِ وإنَّ اللهَ ليسَ يُضيِّعُ
5. He inherited his father the Trustworthy one, making him
For himself a root, so he started branching out
٥. وَرِثَ الأمينَ أباهُ مُتَّخِذاً لهُ
من عندهِ أصلاً فصارَ يُفرِّعُ
6. It was as if He gave him capital for trade
So his wealth through its profits started expanding
٦. فكأنَّهُ أعطاهُ مالَ تجارةٍ
أضَحى غِناهُ برِبحِها يَتَوَسعُ
7. O you whose trade is the virtues of your soul
You are never content with anything less than glory
٧. يا مَن تِجارتُهُ مَكارمُ نفسِهِ
أبداً فغيرَ المجدِ لا يَستبضِعُ
8. You are satisfied with easy gains but not
Satisfied with easy supreme success
٨. تَرضَى بمَيْسورِ المنافعِ قانعاً
لكنْ بميَسورِ العُلَى لا تَقنَعُ
9. You are not of the people of this time even if you are
In it, for you are not one who follows
٩. ما أنتَ من أهلِ الزَّمانِ وإن تَكُنْ
فيهِ فإنَّكَ لَستَ مِمَّن يَتبَعُ
10. The lands of knowledge flourished through you after
The winds had almost torn them apart
١٠. عَمرَتْ رُبوعُ العِلمِ عِندَكَ بَعدَما
كادَتْ تُمزِّقُها الرِّياحُ الأربَعُ
11. We are in a time when knowledge crawls on a stick
In it, and it can stand up and be knocked down
١١. إنَّا لفي زَمَنٍ تَدِبُّ على العَصا
فيهِ العُلومُ وقد تَقومُ فتُصرعُ
12. He threw at it the awe of his sword
So it walked crying "Woe to those who hear!"
١٢. ألقى عليها المالُ هيبةَ سَيفِهِ
فمَضَتْ تَصيحُ ووَيْحَها من يَسمَعُ
13. This is the great King, for all creatures
Serve him on earth altogether
١٣. هذا هُوَ المَلِكُ العظيمُ فإنَّهُ
في الأرض تَخدِمُهُ الخلائقُ أجَمعُ
14. He is the Almighty, the Commander, the Forbidder whom
He forbids and commands whoever He wills to submit
١٤. وهوَ القديرُ الآمِرُ النَّاهي الذي
يَنْهَى ويأمُرُ مَنْ يشاءُ فيَخضَعُ
15. In all the whims of souls there is pretense
Except his whim, in it there is no pretense
١٥. في كلِّ أهواءِ النُّفوسِ تَصَنُّعٌ
إلاّ هَواهُ فليسَ فيهِ تَصَنُّعُ
16. And for every desire of the desirous there is satiation except
Who desires Him, for he is never sated
١٦. ولكُلِّ شَهْوةِ راغبٍ شِبَعٌ سِوَى
من يَشتَهيهِ فإنَّهُ لا يَشبَعُ
17. Far it is for the prince to be blamed, for he does not
Hope for virtue he did not earn
١٧. حاشا الأميرِ مِنَ المَلامِ فإنَّهُ
في غيرِ كَسبِ فضيلةٍ لا يَطمَعُ
18. Do not think the impossible is just three
For its like squared is the impossible
١٨. لا تَحسَبنَّ المُستحيلَ ثلاثَةً
فنظيرُهُ للمُستحيلِ يُربَّعُ
19. O high flag whose status
Is lofty in every matter but he does not become arrogant
١٩. يا أيُّها العَلَمُ الرَّفيعُ مَقامُهُ
في كلِّ أمرٍ وَهوَ لا يَتَرَفَّعُ
20. If you say this poet exaggerates, even if
The whole world testifies with me, what can you do?
٢٠. إنْ قُلتَ هذا شاعرٌ يَغلُو فإنْ
شَهِدتْ معي الدُّنيا فماذا تَصنَعُ