1. People in life are but words, and you are their meaning,
And life itself is your servant, and you are its master.
١. ألنَّاسُ في الدَّهرِ لَفْظٌ أنتَ معناهُ
والدَّهرُ في النَّاسِ عبدٌ أنتَ مَوْلاهُ
2. In your right hand is a sword and a pen,
Both with fires and waters in their margins.
٢. وفي يمينِكَ من سَيفٍ ومن قَلَمٍ
ما في حواشيهِ نيرانٌ وأمواهُ
3. The will of the Creator has flowed with benevolence,
So people say "In God's name" wherever it goes.
٣. لقد جَرَى قَدَرُ الباري بمَكرُمةٍ
فقالَتِ النَّاسُ باسْمِ الله مجْراهُ
4. Its rising star gave Syria good tidings,
With stars like the Pleiades guarding over its people.
٤. أفاد سُوريَّةَ المسعودَ طالِعُها
سُوراً نجومُ الثُّريَا ليسَ تَرقاهُ
5. A leader whose governance is not straitened by any strategy,
Even if all the people of the world were his subjects.
٥. مَن لا تَضيقُ بتدبيرٍ سياستُهُ
لو أنَّ كلَّ بني الدُّنيا رعاياهُ
6. In his heart is an overflowing sea of knowledge,
Such that pearls have become his most trivial gifts.
٦. في صَدرِهِ بحرُ علمٍ فاضَ مندفِقاً
فأصبحَ الدُّرُّ من أدنى هَداياهُ
7. He seeks no one's legal opinions or edicts,
Yet the jurists seek edicts and counsel from him.
٧. لا يَستَمِدُّ فتاوَى الفِقهِ من أحَدٍ
وتَستَمِدُّ شيوخُ الفِقهِ فتواهُ
8. Religion and worldly life frequent his gatherings,
So that his worldly rule never breaks from religion.
٨. تَعاهَدَ الدِّينُ والدُّنيا بمجلِسهِ
فما تُفارِقُ حُكَم الدِّينِ دُنياهُ
9. He governed the lands with kindness and justice,
So that all the people came to adore him.
٩. ساسَ البلادَ بألطافٍ ومَعدِلةٍ
منهُ فكانت جميعُ النَّاسِ تَهواهُ
10. He brought tranquility to a region where he stayed,
Such that scarcely a tremor could disturb it.
١٠. ألقَى السَّكينةَ في قُطرٍ أقامَ بهِ
فلم تكَدْ رجفةُ الزَّلزالِ تَغشاهُ
11. If lions were once his subjects,
They would prey on no one that crossed their path.
١١. لو كانَتِ الأُسْدُ يوماً من رَعيَّتِهِ
لم تفترسْ أحداً من حيثُ تلقاهُ
12. Nobility rises above the highest horizons for him,
Until even the mighty are lower than his lowest.
١٢. يَسمو لهُ فوقَ آفاقِ العُلَى شَرَفٌ
حتى تصيرَ الدَّراري دونَ أدناهُ
13. And the more glory he gains, the more humble he becomes,
For prestige and status never made him vain.
١٣. وكلَّما ازدادَ مَجداً زادَ في دَعَةٍ
فلم يكُن يزدهيهِ المجدُ والجاهُ
14. Welcome to the arrival in Beirut, which has rejoiced,
And were it able, would have come to greet him itself.
١٤. أهلاً بقادمِ بيروتَ التي ابتَهجَتْ
فلو أطاقَ حِماها كان لاقاهُ
15. It saluted its blooming, fertile environs,
Just as God saluted it with a worthy greeting.
١٥. حيَّا الحيا رَبْعَها الزَّاهي الخصيبَ كما
حيّا الإلهُ بتكريمٍ مُحَيَّاهُ
16. O lord who arose to shepherd the face of his Creator,
With God's gaze always watching over him.
١٦. يا سيِّداً قامَ يَرعَى وجهَ خالقِهِ
على الدَّوامِ وَعينُ اللهِ ترعاهُ
17. You have succeeded, by God's grace, in obeying Him,
And all people together pray, may God increase you.
١٧. ظَفِرْتَ في طاعةِ الباري بنعمتِهِ
والنَّاسُ تَدعُو جميعاً زادَكَ اللهُ