1. This is the noble heart of the state, which
Its ranks of glory are followed by ranks
١. هذا فؤادُ الدَّولةِ السَّامي الذي
رُدِفَت مراتبُ مَجدهِ بمراتبِ
2. It is worthy of that and above that to the extent
That the calculator cannot fully comprehend
٢. هُوَ أهلُ ذاكَ وفوقَ ذاكَ إلى مَدَى
ما ليسَ يستوفيهِ ضربُ الحاسبِ
3. Like the sea that carries all that is on earth
Of ships and has a greater remaining side
٣. كالبحرِ يحمِلُ كلَّ ما في الأرض مِن
سُفُنٍ ويفضُلُ منهُ أعظَمُ جانبِ
4. Its ranks have increased by three over what
It was and that is the essence of obligation
٤. زادتْ مراتبُهُ ثلاثاً فوقَ ما
كانت عليهِ وذاكَ عينُ الواجبِ
5. Like the sun that descended from the atoms of its history
At its zenith, accompanied by three planets
٥. كالشَّمسِ حلَّت مِن ذُرَى تأريخِها
أوجاً فصاحَبَها ثلاثُ كواكبِ