1. The heart is gone, though its traces remain
The beauty, though its supplies endure
١. غابَ الفُؤَادُ ولم تَغِبْ آثارُهُ
ذاتُ الجَمالِ ولم يَغِبْ إِمدادُهُ
2. It left the country, like a pen that
Left the book while its ink flowed
٢. تَرَكَ البِلادَ كأنَّهُ القَلَمُ الذي
تَرَك الكِتابَ وقامَ فيهِ مِدادُهُ
3. It turned away, and justice's traces are our provision
From it, and the prayers of affection are its provision
٣. وَلَّى وآثارُ العَدالةِ زادُنا
منهُ وأدعِيةُ المَوَدَّةِ زادُهُ
4. Lebanon engraved its name atop its rocks
It won't fade until its hardness melts away
٤. نَقَشَ اسمَهُ لُبنانُ فوقَ صُخورِهِ
لا يَنمَحِي حتى يَذوبَ جمادُهُ
5. It cast upon it the desolation of its winding valleys
A yearning that its country complains of
٥. ألقَى عليهِ وَحشةً في طَيّها
شَوقٌ طويلٌ تَشتَكيهِ بِلادُهُ
6. Don't ask about its state after him
What state is someone whose heart has departed?
٦. لا تسألوا عن حالِها من بعدِهِ
ما حالُ من قد غابَ عنهُ فؤَادُهُ