
Do you think her rosy cheeks are made of poppy flowers?

أتحسب من حمر الشقيق خدودها

1. Do you think her rosy cheeks are made of poppy flowers?
Or that her breasts are pomegranates from the gardens of Paradise?

١. أتَحسبُ من حُمْر الشَّقيقِ خُدُودُها
ومن بعضِ رُمَّان الجِنانِ نُهودُها

2. You were amazed when you saw her lover,
So you diminished her, though you had come to praise her more.

٢. دَهِشْتَ لما شاهدتَ منها مُوَلَّهاً
فأنقَصتها من حيثُ جئتَ تَزِيدُها

3. A girl whose eyelids are sick from the armies
That attack so often when her eyes call them to battle.

٣. فَتاةٌ لِعينَيها جُفونٌ مَرِيضةٌ
لِكَثرةِ ما تَغزُو وهُنَّ جُنودُها

4. I heard that moles on cheeks are considered her slaves,
So I wished that her slaves would multiply in this way.

٤. سَمِعتُ بأنَّ الخالَ يُحسَبُ عَبدَها
فأمّلْتُ أنْ تَدنْو كذاكَ عبيدُها

5. Every war brings truce for the people
Except the war of those whose white skins are conquered by her black braids.

٥. أرى كلَّ حربٍ فيهِ للقومِ هُدنةٌ
سِوَى حربِ مَن تسطو عليهِ البيضِ سُودُها

6. And every sick man prays to God for relief
Except her rebellious eyelid that brings her no benefit.

٦. وكلُّ مرِيضٍ يتَّقِي اللهَ نائباً
سِوىَ جَفنها الطَّاغي بما لا يُفيدها

7. A slender waist like my weary body
Her breasts rain upon it like her necklaces.

٧. نَحيلةُ خَصرٍ مثلَ جسمي من الضَّنَى
تَرِفُّ عليهِ مثلَ قلبي بُنودُها

8. I saw the penis of a cucumber withered,
So I knew the cause was the cucumber's jealousy of her.

٨. رأيتُ قَضيبَ الخَيزُرانةِ ذابلاً
فأيقَنتُ أن الخَيزُرانَ حَسوُدُها

9. I desired she who has so much of our blood on her
Adorning her neck like a necklace.

٩. هَوِيتُ التي كم عِندَها من دمٍ لنا
تحَلَّى بهِ مثلَ القَلائدِ جِيدُها

10. A beauty leaned against me - if she had played
With her tent, its pillar would bend when the north wind blew.

١٠. ومالَتْ بِعطِفي صَبْوةٌ لو تَلاعَبتْ
بِخَيمْتِها الشَّمَّاء مالَ عَمُودُها

11. But I am one who has prepared for his fate
Battalions of patience beyond counting.

١١. ولكننَّي ممَّن أعَدَّ لدَهرِهِ
كتائبَ صَبرٍ ليسَ يُحصَى عَدِيدُها

12. And I have dignity from the manners of Ahmad
So I avoided her though she sent no lightning against me.

١٢. وعِندي وقارٌ من خلائقِ أحمَدٍ
فَجُزْتُ ولم تُمطِر عَلَيَّ رُعودُها

13. Manners that adorn virtues with their beauty
As necklaces adorn the whiteness of throats.

١٣. خَلائِقُ تَزدانُ السَّجايا بِحُسنِها
كما زَيَّنتْ بيضَ النُّحورِ عُقودُها

14. If the spheres are stars, then she is their moons.
A generous one whose old virtues still shine when heard.

١٤. إذا كانتِ الأفلاكَ فَهْيَ نُجومُها
وإن كانتِ الأقمارَ فهْيَ سُعُودُها

15. If affairs look gloomy in the morning,
He heals them, by God's permission, when he returns to them.

١٥. كريمُ صفاتٍ لا يَمُرُّ قَدِيمُها
على مِسمَعٍ حتى يَلُوحَ جَديدُها

16. He has ambition for distant events,
Drawing near those whose deeds have earned it.

١٦. إذا أصبحَتْ دُهْمُ الأمورِ مريضةً
شَفاها بإذنِ اللهِ حينَ يَعودُها

17. The beauty of his character and manners are joined in him -
Rare, precious qualities, exalted in their existence.

١٧. لهُ هِمَّةٌ في الحادثاتِ بعيدةٌ
إذا راضَتِ الأعمالَ يدنو بَعيدُها

18. The light of beauty adorns his face,
Fluent greetings pouring forth benefit those who hear them.

١٨. تألَّفَ حُسنُ الخَلْقِ والخُلقِ عِندَهُ
وتِلكَ اخِتصاصاتٌ عزيزةٌ وُجودُها

19. From his mind come the sharpness of swords and their cutting edge,
And from his resolve in tribulations, their steel.

١٩. على وَجهِهِ نُورُ الجمالِ يزِينُهُ
طَلاقةُ بِشرٍ فوقَهُ يَستَفيدُها

20. Indeed the son of the righteous one is suited for sincere praise,
So he became a prince leading rhymes.

٢٠. ومن ذِهنهِ ماءُ السُّيوفِ وحَدُّها
ومِن عَزمِهِ في النَّائبات حَديدُها

21. Before him, the generous have situations
Whose claims are valid, whose witnesses are honest.

٢١. لَقد صَلَحَ ابنُ الصُّلحِ لِلمَدْح صادقاً
فكانَ أميراً للقَوافي يَقودُها

22. Composing poetry has become difficult for me because
Its frustration grieves my patient heart.

٢٢. لها بينَ أيدِيهِ الكِرامِ مَواقِفٌ
صِحاحٌ دَعاويها عُدولٌ شُهوُدُها

23. Of poetry there is praise - few deserve it,
And satire I do not aim to produce.

٢٣. وقد شَقَّ نَظْمُ الشِّعرِ عندي لِعلَّةٍ
يِشُقُّ على قلبي الصَّبورِ جُحودُها

٢٤. منَ الشِّعرِ مَدْحٌ قَلَّ مَنْ يَستَحِقُّهُ
وصَنعةُ هَجْوٍ لَسْتُ ممَّن يُرِيدُها