
Those are our days, peace be upon them,

تلك أيامنا عليها السلام

1. Those are our days, peace be upon them,
Their days have faded into the past,

١. تلكَ أيّامنا عليها السَلامُ
أجفَلتْ من زَوالِها الأيامُ

2. They deluded us with the long life ahead,
Afterwards, the hour of patience lasted a year,

٢. أوهَمَتْنا طُولَ الحياة علينا
بَعْدَها إنَّ ساعةَ الصبرِ عامُ

3. Oh my friend, do not blame me, for who can be blamed
For what is blameless, yet still blamed,

٣. يا خليليَّ لا تَلُوما فمن لا
مَ بما لا مَلامَ فيه يُلامُ

4. Yearning has lasted long for a weak heart,
Before the yearning from what illness has shown,

٤. طالَ شوقٌ على فُؤادٍ ضعيفٍ
قبلَ شوقٍ ممَّا بَراهُ السَقامُ

5. I stay up at night while eyes are sleeping,
Like a guard in the neighborhood staying awake,

٥. أَسَهرُ الليلَ والعُيونُ نيامٌ
كرقيبٍ في حَيِّ قومٍ يُقَامُ

6. My eyes are certainly drowned in my tears,
And the one drowning, how can he sleep?

٦. إنّ عيني بِلُجَّةٍ من دُموعي
غَرِقتْ والغريقُ كيفَ يَنامُ

7. O mirage of the camp, good morning,
Where are the people of the camp and where are the tents?

٧. يا بُرَيقَ الحِمى نَعِمتَ صَباحاً
أينَ أهلُ الحِمَى وأينَ الخِيامُ

8. Did the ruins reach the praying place,
And did the low plants turn green after that?

٨. هل أصابَ الحيا رُبوعَ المُصلَّى
وهَلِ اخضَرَّ بعدَ ذاكَ البَشامُ

9. Long has the time deceived before you with a smile,
Cunningly gaining from it a smile,

٩. طالمَا راع قَبلكَ الدَهرُ ثغراً
بِدَهاءٍ فلاحَ منهُ ابتِسامُ

10. And how often has a young man matured in time,
And how often has a young man matured in time?

١٠. ولَكَم شَبَّ في الزَمانِ ضِرامٌ
ولَكَم شابَ في الزمانِ غُلامُ

11. Every state will end, time has no
permanence and no permanence within it,

١١. كلُّ حالٍ سينقضي ليسَ للدهْ
رِ دَوامٌ وليسَ فيهِ دَوامُ

12. Perhaps the young man promised today but
did not promise tomorrow, so where is the oath?

١٢. رُبَّما عاهَدَ الفَتَى اليومَ لكنْ
لم يُعاهِدْ غَداً فأينَ الذِمامُ

13. My state has changed and my love has not changed
With generosity, and they are generous to me,

١٣. حالَ عهدي ولم يَحُلْ عهدُ وُدّي
بكِرامٍ وهم عليّ كِرامُ

14. That is a knot whose pearls have scattered,
And after that, the system is up to God,

١٤. ذاكَ عِقدٌ تناثَرَ الدُرُّ منهُ
وعلى اللهِ بعدَ ذاكَ النِظامُ

15. O neighbors who have turned away,
Do you have neighbors like us you can count on?

١٥. أيها الجيرةُ الذينَ تَوَلَّوا
هل لكم جِيرةٌ سِوانا تُرامُ

16. It carried our greetings to you, but
the greetings were lost and the greetings vanished,

١٦. حَملَتْ من سَلامِنا لكُمُ الرِّي
حُ ولكنْ ضاعَتْ وضاعَ السَلامُ

17. A scene too great for elegy to reach
So what can the pens attain?

١٧. مَشهَدٌ يَقصُرُ القَنا دُونَ أدنا
هُ فماذا تَنالُهُ الأقلامُ