1. Stand at the abodes, even if the standing grieves you,
And ask the dwellings after us, who lodges there.
١. قِفْ بالدِّيارِ وإنْ شجَاكَ المَوقِفُ
وسَلِ المنَازلَ بَعدَنا مَن تألَفُ
2. And if you come upon my heart amongst them one day,
Then ask it, when will it cease to linger.
٢. وإذا عَثَرْتَ على فُؤادي بينَها
يوماً فَسَلْهُ إلى مَتَى يَتَخلَّفُ
3. A quarter I turned my eye from it months ago,
Yet my heart from it an hour does not turn away.
٣. رَبْعٌ صَرَفْتُ العَينَ عنهُ أشهُراً
والقلبُ عنهُ ساعةً لا يُصرَفُ
4. It had been my abode, so it became my torment,
A home for him, with its courtyard he wraps himself.
٤. قد كانَ لي داراً فصارَت مُهجتي
داراً لهُ بفِنِائها يتَكنَّفُ
5. And by the side of the sandy valley, a people whose
Rights upon us preserved, are not lost.
٥. وبجانبِ الجَرْعاءِ قومٌ عِندَهم
ذِمَمٌ لَنا مَحفوظةٌ لا تُخْلَفُ
6. Their friendship comes close from afar,
And its health increases with time ever throwing.
٦. تَدنُو مَوَدَّتُهم على بُعدِ المَدَى
ويَزيدُ صِحَّتَها الزَّمانُ المُدنِفُ
7. Brothers of sincerity, in brotherhood you see they have
Hardship, but in it there is no affectation.
٧. إخوانُ صِدقٍ في الإخاءِ تَرَى لهم
كَلَفاً ولكن ليسَ فيهِ تَكَلُّفُ
8. I continued to blend with tears their remembrance,
Confusion, as though blended with perfumed water.
٨. ما زِلتُ أمزُجُ بالمدامعِ ذِكرَهُمْ
طَرَباً كما مُزِجتْ بماءٍ قَرْقَفُ
9. O you who made distant the eye of the distant with the drawing of what
Was with it the ear of the near is delighted.
٩. يا مَن جَلا عينَ البعيدِ برَسْمِ ما
كانتْ بهِ أُذُنُ القريبِ تُشنَّفُ
10. A spell upon the breaths from you is sealed,
In secret, so that is with amber enveloped.
١٠. طِرسٌ على الأنفاسِ منكَ خَتَمتَهُ
سِرّاً فذَلكَ بالعَبيرِ مُغَلَّفُ
11. If you are Jacob the lover, excellent is what
You are called, but who is your Yusuf?
١١. إنْ كُنتَ يعقوبَ المُحبَّ فنِعْمَ ما
تُدعَى ولكنْ ما حَبيبُكَ يُوسُفُ
12. You made true to me in description what I do not claim,
And you knew for me in love what I do not know.
١٢. أثَبتَّ لي في الوَصفِ ما لا أدَّعيِ
وعَرَفتَ لي في الحُبِّ ما لا أعرِفُ
13. This is a sheet from those whose eyes
Wish that it within the sheet letters.
١٣. هذِهْ صَحيفةُ من تَوَدُّ عُيُونُهم
لو أنَّها ضِمنَ الصحيفةِ أحرُفُ
14. A youth almost flew with it to you,
In it more gentle than the breeze and kinder.
١٤. كادتْ تَطِيرُ بها إليكَ صبابةٌ
فيها أرَقُّ مِن النَسيمِ وألطَفُ
15. She raced me so outsped me, and how much
You used to be stronger in racing while I am weaker.
١٥. جارَيَتني فسَبَقْتَني ولَطالَما
قد كُنتَ تَقْوَى في السِّباقِ وأضعُفُ
16. If about the right of loyalty I fell short,
Then the merit is in the fairness of one who is not fair.
١٦. إنْ كُنتُ عن حَقِّ الوفاءِ مُقصِّراً
فالفضلُ في إنصافِ من لا يُنصِفُ