
May God grant you patience in your heart

أجمل الله في فؤادك صبرا

1. May God grant you patience in your heart
And reward you with benevolence and great reward

١. أَجملَ اللَهُ في فؤادِكَ صَبرا
وَجزى مِنَّةً وَأَعظمَ أَجرا

2. And rain upon the soil of those you have lost with clouds
Not with tears, for that is more dewy and fertile

٢. وَسَقى تُرْبَ مَن فَقَدتَ سَحابا
لا دُموعاً فَذاكَ أَندى وَأَطرى

3. Surely, something has shocked you, greater than anything
That who encounters it does not magnify anything

٣. انَّ أَمراً دَهاكَ أعظمُ أَمرٍ
مَن تَلقَّاهُ لا يُعظِّمُ أَمرا

4. Except that the sick hopes for a cure
So if he does not attain it, then patience is best

٤. غَيرَ أَنَّ المَريضَ يَرجو دَواءً
فَإِذا لَم يَنلْهُ فَالصَّبرُ أَحرى

5. It is truly the nature's right to grieve
And reason knows the conclusion best

٥. إِنَّ حَقّاً عَلى الطَبيعةِ إِن تَحْ
زَنَ وَالعَقلُ بِالنَتيجةِ أَدرى

6. If crying and wailing would avail anything
Khanssa would have erected a rock before you

٦. لَو يفيدُ البُكاءُ وَالنَّوحُ شَيئاً
لَأَقامَتْ خَنساءُ قَبلَكَ صَخرا

7. All that exists is illusion so we do not pity
Zaid nor congratulate Amr

٧. كُلُّ ما في الوُجودِ وَهمٌ فَلا نر
حَمُ زَيداً وَلا نُغبِّطُ عَمرا

8. One aspires for long life in this world
While he is towards death or from death slack

٨. يَطمَعُ المَرءُ في الحياةِ طَويلاً
وَهْوَ في المَوتِ أَو عَنِ المَوتِ فِتْرا

9. And the life of this world is called life
Just as a galaxy is deemed a river

٩. وَحياةُ الدُّنيا تُسمَّى حَياةً
مِثلَما تُحسَبُ المَجَرَّةُ نَهرا

10. Thus people stumble after stumblers
Every eye with the tear of separation grateful

١٠. هَكَذا النَّاسُ عاثِرٌ إِثرَ كابٍ
كلُّ عَينٍ بِدَمعةِ البينِ شَكرَى

11. Many weep for a blow that befell me
While it may strike him unexpectedly another

١١. رُبَّ باكٍ لِضَربةٍ صادَفتَني
وَهْوَ قَد شَكَّ أَن تُفاجيهِ أُخرى

12. All who laugh at you will make you weep and the
Weeping will be wept, so all are slain and captive

١٢. كُلُّ مُستضحِكٍ سَيُبكيكَ وَالبا
كي سيُبكَى فَالكُلُّ قَتلى وَأَسرى

13. We and disease and medicine are from the
Earth, dust, and all to earth incline

١٣. نحنُ وَالدَّاءُ وَالدَّواءُ مِن الأَر
ضِ تُراباً وَالكُلُّ لِلأَرضِ طُرّا

14. And the life of this world is a path to the
Other, so take its provision which is best

١٤. وَحياةُ الدُّنيا طَريقٌ إِلى الأُخْ
رَى فَخُذْ زادَها الَّذي هُوَ أَمرى

15. O path of eternity, if you are good
Then you have virtue whenever you are shorter

١٥. يا طَريقَ البَقا إِذا كُنتَ خَيراً
فَلَكَ الفَضلُ كُلَّما زِدتَ قِصْرا

16. Often men have treated time
So it afflicted them with letters that do not settle

١٦. طالَما عالَجَ الزَّمانَ رِجالٌ
فَاِبتَلاهم بِأَحرُفٍ لَيسَ تُقرا

17. A trick leaves it a way to it
And an illness by our rejecting medicine is cured

١٧. حيلَةٌ تَركُها سَبيلٌ إِلَيها
وَسقامٌ برَفضنا الطِبَّ يَبرا

18. You are not worthy to be consoled with what
We came with, you are above that in worth

١٨. لَستَ أَهلاً لَأَن تُعزّى بِما جِئْ
نَا بِهِ أَنتَ فَوقَ ذَلِكَ قَدرا

19. What is with you is partly from you
And partly from blood that flowed neglected

١٩. عِندَنا ما لَديكَ فَالبَعضُ مِمَّا
بِكَ وَالبَعضُ مِن دَمٍ راحَ هَدرا

20. If we had obeyed tears hastening
We would not have stood reciting poetry to you

٢٠. لَو أَطَعنا الدُّموعَ مُبتَدِراتٍ
ما وَقَفنا عَليكَ نُنشِدُ شِعرا

21. We knew you to be lenient with people
And we knew you to deter people

٢١. قَد عَهِدناكَ تُوسِعُ النَّاس حِلماً
وَعَهِدناكَ تُوسِعُ النَّاس زَجرا

22. And we knew you, whenever the discourse
Around you expanded, were of broader chest

٢٢. وَعَهِدناكَ كُلَّما اتَّسَعَ الخَطْ
بُ حَوالَيكَ كُنتَ أَوسَعَ صَدرا

23. You are an ocean and grief is an ember
Whoever saw an ember warming an ocean

٢٣. أَنتَ بَحرٌ وَالحُزنُ جَمرةُ نارٍ
مِن رَأى جَمرَةً تُسخِّنُ بَحرا

24. You have paired life's woes as even and odd
And known days as belly and back

٢٤. قَد عَركتَ الخطوبَ شَفعاً وَوَترا
وَعَرَفتَ الأَيَّامَ بَطناً وظَهرا

25. And for the likes of me is advice to you
And that is what you have chosen as treasure

٢٥. وَلِمثلي عَلَيكَ نُصحٌ وَقَد كا
نَ فَهَذا مِمَّا تَخيَّرتُ ذُخرا

26. And when you are safe, loss becomes slight
You have sufficed from one who is moral and dust

٢٦. وَإِذا ما سَلِمتَ هانَ فَقد أَغْ
نَيْتَ عَمَّن يَكونُ عَبراً وغَبرا