
O God's blessing, O Zakhur, you were embraced here

يا نعمة الله زخور احتضنت هنا

1. O God's blessing, O Zakhur, you were embraced here
My beloved, whom you were expecting afterward

١. يا نِعمةَ اللهِ زَخُّورُ احتَضنْتَ هنا
مِتري الذي كُنتَ منهُ ترتجي خَلَفا

2. A yearning for him called you, so you joined him
In haste and bent over him

٢. دعاكَ شوقٌ إليهِ فالتَحقتَ بهِ
مُستعجِلاً وعليهِ بِتَّ مُنعكِفا

3. A tender branch grew from an esteemed origin
Before maturity, separation came and took it away

٣. غُصنٌ نضيرٌ نشا من أصل مَكرُمةٍ
قبلَ البلوغِ أتاهُ البينُ مُختَطِفا

4. In a soil I said, when they planted it there
Oh my heart, for a branch that was broken in two

٤. في تُربةٍ قُلتُ لمَّا أرَّخوه بِها
يا ويحَ قلبي على غُصنٍ قد انقَصفَا