
As long as this day is followed by tomorrow

ما دام هذا اليوم يخلفه الغد

1. As long as this day is followed by tomorrow
Do not deny that the old is made new again

١. ما دامَ هذا اليومُ يَخلُفُهُ الغدُ
لا تُنكِروا أنَّ القَديمَ يُجدَّدُ

2. When branches are not cut from their trees
We see others sprout and spread

٢. لم تُقطَعِ الأغصانُ من شَجراتها
إلاّ رأينا غَيرها يتَولَّدُ

3. This trusted one has gone and Muhammad rose
A successor, so Muhammad succeeded the Trusted One

٣. هذا الأمينُ مَضى فقامَ محمُّدٌ
خَلَفاً فنابَ عن الأمينِ مُحمَّدُ

4. An event has a white day in the eye
Through which a black day is unveiled in the heart

٤. حَدَثٌ لهُ في العينِ يومٌ أبيَضٌ
يُجلَى بهِ في القَلبِ يومٌ أسْوَدُ

5. Whoever lived in this world, their heart was torn
With its sorrows, unless they show patience

٥. مَن عاشَ في الدُّنيا تَفطَّرَ قلبُهُ
غَماً بها إن كانَ لا يَتَجلَّدُ

6. If my eyes stay awake whenever they see tribulation
Then for all their life they do not sleep

٦. إن كانَ عيني كُلّما رأتِ البَلا
سَهِرَتْ فطولَ حياتِها لا تَرقُدُ

7. Each day misfortunes raid us
Among us the lute says "I am Ahmad"

٧. في كُلِّ يومٍ للحَوادِثِ غارةٌ
فينا تقولُ العَودُ عندي أحمَدُ

8. If one has no sword to unsheathe when meeting them
Then a coat of patience must be put on

٨. إن لم يَكُنِ للمَرْءِ عندَ لقائِها
سَيفٌ يُسَلُّ فدِرعُ صبرٍ تُسْرَدُ

9. The loss of a loved one is an affliction, the slightest of which
Is that which is compensated for what is missed

٩. فَقْدُ العزيزِ بليَّةٌ وأخَفُّها
ما صادَفَ التَعويضَ عَمَّا يُفقَدُ

10. Our world was intent on justice, it took a hand from us
And gave us a hand in return

١٠. عَزَمَتْ على الإنصافِ دُنيانا التِّي
سَلَبتْ يدٌ منها وأعطَتْنا يَدُ

11. A substitute for his father has taken his place
So he is the one deferred to and sought

١١. بَدَلٌ لشَخصِ أبيهِ حَلَّ مَحلَّهُ
فَهُوَ الذي يُنحَى إليهِ ويُقصَدُ

12. The Sublime did not groom a youth like Muhammad
Among the people, though it was accustomed to him

١٢. لم تَعَهدِ العُليا فَتىً كمُحمَّدٍ
في النَّاسِ وَهْيَ لَدَيهِ مما يُعهَدُ

13. He was accustomed to authority from his youth, both of them
A habit to its owner, imposed on him

١٣. ألِفَ الولايةَ من صِباهُ كِلاهُما
إلفٌ لصاحِبِهِ عليهِ مُعوَّدُ

14. It saw his traits of nobility and perfection
A mystery you'd think was being worshipped

١٤. نَظَرتْ مَناقِبَهُ الحِسانَ فأدرَكَتْ
سِرّاً تكادُ تَراهُ مِمَّا يُعبَدُ

15. It is under his protection, not one to bend
From his door, not one to be expelled

١٥. هيَ في حِماهُ رَبيبةٌ لا تَنْثني
عن بابهِ ونَزيلةٌ لا تُطرَدُ

16. A bedmate in his crib, a companion on his saddle
A sitting companion when he settles down

١٦. وضَجيعةٌ في مَهْدِهِ وَردِيفةٌ
في سَرْجِهِ وجليسةٌ إذْ يَقعُدُ

17. Flowing in the eyes of the discerning, but white-haired
Strangely, and in the eyes of onlookers, a young man

١٧. رَيَّانُ في نَظَر البصائرِ أشيَبٌ
عَجَباً وفي بَصَرِ النَّواظِرِ أمرَدُ

18. The eye of his envious enemy is dazzled
Like the rays of a sun avoided by the blind

١٨. تَزْوَرُّ عن مرْآهُ عينُ حَسُودِهِ
كَشُعاعِ شَمْسٍ يتَّقيهِ الأرمَدُ

19. A noble successor, most resembling his ancestor
To whom all creation bore witness

١٩. خَلَفٌ كريمٌ أشبَهَ السَّلَفَ الذي
كانتْ لهُ كُلُّ الخَلائقِ تَشهَدُ

20. None were found like the Trusted one in his time
And today none are found like Muhammad

٢٠. ما كانَ يُوجَدُ كالأمينِ بعَصرِهِ
واليومَ مِثلُ محمَّدٍ لا يُوجَدُ