1. If this abode could speak, it would have marveled in wonder,
Or clapped in joyous rapture.
١. لو كانَ للدَّارِ نُطقٌ سَبَّحَتْ عَجَبا
أو راحةٌ صَفَّقتْ من بَهجةٍ طَرَبا
2. For it was visited today by one whose presence honored it,
As if its walls were gilded with gold.
٢. قد زارها اليومَ مَن عزَّت بزَوْرتِهِ
كأنَّه قد طَلَى حِيطانَها ذَهَبا
3. Its dwellings almost danced to receive him,
Yet kept their dignity before him.
٣. كادت منَازِلُها تَلقاهُ راقِصةً
لكنَّها حَفِظَتْ قُدَّامهُ الأدَبا
4. This trustee, in whose hands is Lebanon,
Guarding the trust of God as was His due.
٤. هذا الأمينُ الذي لُبنانُ في يَدِهِ
أمانةُ اللهِ يَرعاها كما وَجبَا
5. He ruled the countries with gentle disposition,
And gentleness that severs better than a sword whoever it struck.
٥. ساسَ البِلادَ بلُطفٍ من خَلائقِهِ
واللُطفُ اقطَعُ من سَيفٍ لمَنْ ضَرَبا
6. Blessed of face, prosperity comes wherever he came,
And good fortune goes with him wherever he went.
٦. مُبارَكُ الوَجهِ يأتي الخِصبُ حيثُ أتى
ويَذهَبُ السَّعدُ مَعْهُ حيثُما ذَهبا
7. He invades adversities with unyielding wisdom,
Were it fire, he would have brought timber.
٧. يغزو الخُطوبَ برأيٍ غيرِ مُنثلِمٍ
لو كانَ ناراً لكانَتْ عِندَهُ حَطَبا
8. If his days were late in coming,
Yet he was early in the line of precedents.
٨. لئن تأخَّرَ في أيَّامِهِ زَمناً
فقد تَقدَّمَ في أجيالهِ رُتَبا
9. Time had yearned for him until this day,
As the eager ones yearn for the choicest grapes.
٩. قَدِ اختباهُ إلى اليومِ الزَّمانُ كما
يَخْبا الحريصُ إلى الشَيخُوخَةِ النُخَبَا
10. I offered verses of my poetry, of which I was proud,
My home’s verses deemed themselves flames.
١٠. أهدَيتُ أبياتَ شِعري مَن بهِ افتَخَرتْ
أبياتُ داري فظَّنتْ نَفْسَها شُهُبا
11. Today I posted them on the altar of his state,
Proudly, and in posting them shone among the Arabs.
١١. عَلَّقتُها اليومَ في مِحرابِ دَولتِه
فخراً فباهَيْتُ في تَعليِقها العَرَبا