
He complained of the vicissitudes of fate, but

شكا من أذهب البلوى وزالت

1. He complained of the vicissitudes of fate, but
Through his wisdom the land's complaints ceased.

١. شَكا من أذهَبَ البَلوَى وزالتْ
بحكمتِهِ شِكاياتُ البِلادِ

2. Time had no power over his hands,
So his feet collided with the steed's pace.

٢. وما قَدَرَ الزَّمانُ على يَديِهِ
فصادَمَ رِجلَهُ بيَدِ الجوادِ

3. He was veiled like secrets, so returned radiant,
Though to see him was most cherished at the return.

٣. تحَجَّبَ كالسَّرارِ فعادَ بَدْراً
وكانَ لِقاهُ أشهَى في المَعادِ

4. His banners did not veil him, but were
Like dawn's glow without the vanished sun.

٤. وما احتجَبَتْ لوائِحُهُ فكانت
كضَوءِ الفجرِ دُونَ الشَّمس بادِ

5. A messenger turned a people from misguidance
And guided them to the path of righteousness.

٥. رَسولٌ رَدَّ قوماً عن ضلالٍ
فقادَهُمُ إلى سُبُلِ الرَّشادِ

6. He called amidst them: “O people! Verily
I fear for you the Day of Mutual Cries.”

٦. ونادَى بينَهم يا قومُ إنّي
أخافُ عليكُمُ يومَ التَّنادِ

7. You toyed with the Book and stained
The Hanifiya's whiteness with blackness.

٧. عَبِثتمْ بالكتابِ وقد لَطَختمْ
بياضاً للحنيفةِ بالسَّوادِ

8. You rose in the lands like `Aad's people
Yet you are not of `Aad's religion.

٨. وقُمتْمُ في البِلادِ كقوم عادٍ
ولَسْتم في شريعةِ قومِ عادِ

9. To the nomads, from the Turkish sons,
Came the praiseworthy Muhammad a guide to creation.

٩. أتَى الأعرابَ من أبناءِ تُركٍ
سَمِيُّ مُحمَّدٍ للخَلْقِ هادِ

10. He received what the non-Arabs uttered
And what the eloquent Arab Bedouins spoke.

١٠. تَلقَّى ما بهِ الأعجامُ فاهت
وما نَطَقَتْ به عُربُ البَوادي

11. He has envious people for what
They see in him, though he has no enemies.

١١. لهُ في النَّاسِ حُسَّادٌ على ما
يَرَونَ بهِ وليسَ لهُ أعادي

12. He rewards each sinful person with justice,
Excusing and remaining with affection.

١٢. يُجازِي كُلَّ ذي ذَنْبٍ بعَدْلٍ
فيَعذِرُهُ ويَبقَى في الوِدادِ

13. A minister on Allah's path exerting effort,
He intends no wrong towards people.

١٣. وَزيرٌ في طريقِ اللهِ يَسعى
فليسَ يُريدُ ظُلماً للعِبادِ

14. Through him the remnants of Jesus' family lived,
Thus life is obtained through the heart.

١٤. بهِ عاشَتْ بقايا آلِ عيسى
كذاك العَيشُ يَحصُلُ بالفُؤادِ