1. The branches have appeared as if dyed
Like pens etching in purple
١. لقد خَطَرَتْ مخضَّبةَ البَنانِ
كأقلامٍ تَخُطُّ بأُرجُوانِ
2. And it has extended a twin forearm
Like a sprouting branch from a bending bough
٢. ومَدَّتْ مِعصَماً منها نضيراً
كَفَرْعٍ نابتٍ مِن غصن بانِ
3. The nightingale adorned in jewelry
Whose silence takes the place of a translator
٣. مبلبلةُ الحِلَى لبِسَتْ سِواراً
ينوبُ سكوتُهُ عن تَرجُمانِ
4. She wanted to adorn her hands with it
For its radiance, her hands became more radiant
٤. أرادتْ أنْ تزِينَ بهِ يديَها
لبَهْجتهِ فزانتهُ اليَدَانِ
5. I saw it as a remedy for my ailment
Feeling the pulse from the hands of affection
٥. رأيتُ لعِلَّتي منهُ طبيباً
يَجُسُّ النَّبضَ مِن أيدي الحِسانِ
6. Blessed is He who has for each day
Marvels in creation, glorious in might
٦. تَبارَكَ مَن لهُ في كلِّ يومٍ
بدائعُ في الخَليقةِ ذاتُ شانِ
7. He who saw it tells people about it
But the tale of the storyteller is not like seeing
٧. يحدِّثُ مَن رآها النَّاسَ عنها
وما خَبَرُ المُحدِّثِ كالعِيانِ