
This is the son of Ibrahim Fayyān,

هذا ابن إبراهيم فيعاني الذي

1. This is the son of Ibrahim Fayyān,
Whose heart was as pure as his father's heart,

١. هذا ابنُ إبراهيمَ فِيعاني الذي
كانت كقلبِ أبيهِ صَفوةُ قلبِهِ

2. Beirut, where his head was raised, grieved for him,
And Damascus, where his body lies, wept for him.

٢. فُجِعَتْ به بيروتُ مَسقِطُ رأسهِ
وبَكَت عليهِ دِمَشقُ مَوقِعُ تُرْبهِ

3. His body now rests in this tomb,
While his soul is in the Garden of Bliss and Luxury.

٣. قد حلَّ في هذا الضريحِ بجسمِهِ
والنَّفسُ في روضِ النّعيمِ وخِصبِهِ

4. So I inscribed on this dated tablet, recording,
"God's mercy was poured upon Anton."

٤. فنقشتُ في اللوحِ المؤرَّخٍ راسِماً
سَكَبَتْ على أنطونَ رحمةُ رَبِّهِ