
Muhammad, our master, built it as an abode for truth, wherein he was made upright,

قد بناها محمد شيخنا المف

1. Muhammad, our master, built it as an abode for truth, wherein he was made upright,
That door, with the key of deliverance, I date with the zephyr:

١. قد بَناها مُحمَّدٌ شيخنا المُفْ
تِي مقاماً لِلحَقِّ فيهِ اُستَقاما

2. "Enter you in peace, and say, 'Peace be upon you!'"

٢. ذاكَ بابٌ بالفتحِ أرَّختُ بادٍ
فادخُلوا مَرحباً وقولوا سلاما