
Rise, let us ask the dead in their graves

قوموا بنا نسأل الأموات في الرجم

1. Rise, let us ask the dead in their graves
What they remember of pleasures and pain

١. قوموا بنا نَسأَلُ الأَمواتَ في الرُّجَمِ
ما يذكُرونَ منَ اللَذاتِ والأَلمِ

2. What has passed was but a dream that faded and went
As if its seer had not dreamed nor slept

٢. قد كانَ ما كانَ حُلماً فانقَضى ومضى
كأَنَّ رائيهِ لم يَحلُمْ ولم يَنَمِ

3. To live on earth while its people are naught
What is it that we hope for from naught?

٣. العيشُ في الأرضِ وَهمٌ أَهلُهُ عَدَمٌ
وما الذي يا تُرَى نرجو من العَدَمِ

4. Yesterday, Ibrahim was our companion
Today, in dust, he became a friend of worms

٤. بالأمسِ قد كانَ إبراهيمُ صاحبَنا
واليومَ في التُربِ أَضحَى صاحبَ الرِمَمِ

5. As if he had not been a pillar of his clan
Nor a beacon of science and wisdom's house

٥. كأنَّهُ لم يَكُنْ رُكناً لطائفةٍ
ولا مَناراً لدارِ العِلمِ والحِكَمِ

6. He willingly answered God's call when called
That was Ibrahim's nature since old

٦. أجَابَ طَوعاً دُعاءَ اللهِ حينَ دَعا
وتلكَ شيمةُ إِبراهيمَ في القِدَمِ

7. He donned mourning but for paper as his companion
Its whiteness dried when the pen's tears ceased

٧. كسا الحِدادَ سِوى القِرطاسِ مُصطحِباً
بَياضَهُ حينَ جَفَّتْ عَبْرَةُ القَلَمِ

8. And he vowed his eyes not to shed tears for him
Unless mingled with blood

٨. وعاهَدَ العينَ لا تُجري مَدَامِعَها
عليهِ ما لم تَكُنْ ممزوجَةً بِدَمِ

9. He went swiftly, no foot established for him
Who was firmly rooted in every art

٩. مَضى سريعاً فلم تَثبُتْ لهُ قَدَمٌ
مَن كانَ في كلِّ فَنٍّ ثابتَ القَدَمِ

10. And he went as an old man, as if God hastened him
Yearning for him, he did not linger to old age

١٠. وراحَ كَهلاً كأنَّ اللهَ عاجَلَهُ
شَوقاً إليهِ فلم يلبَثْ إلى الهَرَمِ

11. Those needy of him wept in sorrow
And he who weeps the fulfiller of needs is not blamed

١١. بَكَى عليهِ ذَوُو الحاجاتِ من أسَفٍ
ومَن بَكَى قاضيَ الحاجاتِ لم يُلَمِ

12. The pages almost cried after his death
Had they not feared wiping the words with tears

١٢. وكادتِ الصُّحْفُ تبكي بَعدَ مَصرَعِهِ
لو لا مَخَافَةُ مَحْوِ الدَّمعِ للكَلِمِ

13. O people of hardship, patience is needed
In afflictions as medicine is needed for illness

١٣. بني مُشاقةَ إِنَّ الصَّبرَ حاجتُهُ
عندَ البَلا كاحتياجِ الطِبِّ للسَّقَمِ

14. This is what every newborn is destined for
We have no refuge but sterility

١٤. هذا الذي كلُّ مَولودٍ يُصابُ بهِ
فلا حِمَى عِندَنا منهُ سِوى العُقُمِ

15. One does not complain of the treachery of separation
For between them is nothing of blame

١٥. لا يَشتَكِ المَرْءُ غَدرَ البينِ مُتَّهِماً
إذ ليسَ بَينَهُما شيءٌ من الذِمَمِ

16. This for which all souls were created
And people deemed dead before their death

١٦. هذا الذي خُلِقَتْ كلُّ النُفوسِ لهُ
فتُحسَبُ النَّاسُ مَوتى قَبلَ موتِهِمِ

17. This is the Almighty King
Powerful over Arab and non-Arab kingdoms

١٧. هذا هو المَلِكُ الجَبَّارُ مُقتَدِراً
على المَمالِكِ من عُرْبٍ ومن عَجَمِ

18. The Just Judge not bribed for any deed
Who does not differentiate servant from master

١٨. والعادلُ الحُكمِ لا يُرشَى على عَمَلٍ
وليسَ يَفرُقُ مخدوماً عن الخَدَمِ

19. Peace from us to Him from Whom we have no peace
Nor freshness to cool the heat of ailment

١٩. مِنَّا السَّلامُ على مَن لا سَلامَ لَنا
منهُ ولا بَرْدَ يُطفي غُلَّةَ الضَرَمِ

20. He turned away and left us not glancing back
We cry while He laughs at us, unsmiling

٢٠. وَلّى وقد سارَ عَنّا غَيرَ مُلتَفِتٍ
نبكي فيَضحَكُ مِنَّا غيرَ مُبتَسِمِ

21. Condolences were lost like our tears
To Him whom separation has deafened

٢١. ضاعَ النُّواحُ كما ضاعتْ مَدامِعُنا
عندَ الذي قد رَماهُ البينُ بالصَّمَمِ

22. He attained the truth walking in its light
While people walk in falsehood, in darkness

٢٢. قد أدركَ الحَقَّ يَمشي في الضِّياءِ بهِ
والقومُ في باطلٍ يَمشُونَ في الظُّلَمِ

23. O people, prepare provisions and take heed
For death to people is like the butcher to sheep

٢٣. يا أَيُّها النَّاسُ هَيُّوا الزادَ وانتَبِهوا
فالموتُ للنَّاسِ كالجَزَّارِ للغَنَمِ

24. Whoever desires not to see a friend lost
Will precede him in death to escape like one defeated

٢٤. من رَامَ أنْ لا يَرَى فَقْداً لصاحِبِهِ
يَسبُقْ إلى المَوتِ كي ينجو كمُنهَزِمِ