
And one day I broke their armies

ويوم بحولايا فضضت جموعهم

1. And one day I broke their armies
And destroyed that host with killing and capture

١. وَيَومٍ بِحَولايا فَضَضتُ جُموعَهُم
وَأَفنَيتُ ذاكَ الجَيشَ بِالقَتلِ وَالأَسرِ

2. So I killed them until I healed with their killing
The heat of a soul that does not submit to compulsion

٢. فَقَتَّلتُهُم حَتى شَفيتُ بِقَتلِهِم
حَرارَةَ نَفسٍ لا تَذِلُّ عَلى القَسرِ

3. And the Shiites of al-Mukhtar, I had healed it before
With a blow on their skulls, nullifying magic

٣. وَمِن شيعَةِ المُختارِ قَبلُ شَفَيتُها
بِضَربٍ عَلى هاماتِهِم مُبطِلِ السِّحرِ