
How excellent is Ibn aunt of the tribe imprisoning Mus'ab

لنعم ابن أخت القوم يسجن مصعب

1. How excellent is Ibn aunt of the tribe imprisoning Mus'ab
For the knocker of a fearful night and the descenders

١. لَنِعمَ اِبن أُختِ القَومِ يَسجُنُ مُصعَب
لطارِقِ لَيلٍ خائِفٍ وَلنازِلِ

2. And how excellent is the young man O Ibn Az-Zubayr you imprisoned
When the hawks of traveling are restless one day

٢. وَنِعمَ الفَتى يا اِبنَ الزُبَيرَ سجنتُم
إِذا قَلِقَت يَوماً صُقورُ الرَّحائِلِ

3. If I had died among my people and had not come to old age
To weaken me among them, a man who is not just

٣. فَلَو مِتُّ في قَومي وَلَم آتِ عَجزة
يُضَعِّفُني فيها اِمرؤٌ غَيرُ عادِلِ

4. I would be honored by it from a death if I met it
I stab in it every torn robe

٤. لأُكرِم بِها مِن ميتَةٍ إِن لَقيتُها
أُطاعِنُ فيها كُلَّ خِرقٍ مَنازِلِ

5. And I was not afraid that I would see myself chained
Without guilt amidst Bakr bin Wael

٥. وَما كُنتُ أَخشى أَن أراني مُقَيَّداً
عَلى غَيرِ جُرمٍ وَسطَ بَكرِ بنِ وائِلِ

6. And you found me O Ibn Az-Zubayr as if
I was hit by an arrow from your piercing arrows

٦. وَأَلفَيتَني يا اِبنَ الزُّبَيرِ كَأَنَّما
رُمِيتُ بِسَهمٍ مِن سِهامِكَ ناصِلِ

7. So if I slip away, the sun does not gather between us
Nor the night except in tents and tents

٧. فَإِن أَنفَلَت لا تَجمَعِ الشَمس بَينَنا
وَلا اللَّيلُ إِلا في القَنا وَالقَنابِلِ

8. When will I let the young men of hooligans ride
Thirsty thoroughbreds, sleepy, slow

٨. مَتى أَدَعُ فتيانَ الصَعاليكِ يَركَبوا
ظِماءَ الفُصوصِ نائِماتِ الأَباجِلِ

9. Birds of prey resemble them when they are arrogant
With their horsemen in intertwined ornaments

٩. تُشَبِّهُها الطير السِّراعَ إِذا اِغتَدَت
بِفُرسانِها في السَّبسَبِ المُتَماحِلِ

10. They fly with the hands when they rise with them
Their images followed them to the plains

١٠. تَطيرُ مَعَ الأَيدي إِذا اِرتَفَعَت بِها
شَمائِلُها أَلحقنَها بِالمَساحِلِ

11. He leads the reins of the horses with me and with my company
Kumayt Al-A'la, the Berber of the Lower

١١. يَقودُ رِعانَ الخَيلِ بي وَبِصُحبَتي
كُمَيتُ الأَعالي بَربَرِيُّ الأَسافِلِ

12. Upon us are coats of mail from the inheritance of Muharraq
And neglect which the polishers deserted from it

١٢. عَلَينا دِلاصٌ مِن تُراث مُحَرَّقٍ
وَتَركٍ جَلا عَنها مَداسُ الصَياقِلِ

13. And expelled from the spears of Rudaina
And shields of Jawn hung on the shoulders

١٣. وَمُطَّرِداتٌ مِن رماحِ رُدَينَةٍ
وَأَتراسِ جَونٍ عُلِّقَت بِالشَمائِلِ

14. If you wished, you would not imprison a friend and would not grant
To you in traceability the shoulders are declining

١٤. فَلَو شِئتَ لَم تسجن صَديقاً وَلَم تُهَب
إِلَيكَ بِصَقعاءِ المَناكِبِ بازِلِ