
Did you not know, O mother of repentance, that I

ألم تعلمي يا أم توبة

1. Did you not know, O mother of repentance, that I
Am the knight who truly protects the facts

١. أَلَم تَعلَمي يا أُمَّ تَوبَة أَنَّني
أَنا الفارِسُ الحامي حَقائِقَ مَذحَجِ

2. And I became the prison in the splendor of morning
With every youth, protector of guitars, armed

٢. وَأَنّي صَبَحتُ السِّجنَ في رَونَقِ الضُّحى
بِكُلِّ فَتىً حامي الذِّمارِ مُدَجَّجِ

3. No sooner did we leave the prison, than there appeared to us
A brow like the horn of the sun, not wrinkled

٣. فَما إِن بَرَحنا السِّجنَ حَتّى بَدا لَنا
جَبينٌ كَقرنِ الشَّمسِ غَيرُ مُشَنَّجِ

4. And a cheek flowing from a lively girl
That every mean drunkard waters

٤. وَخَدٌّ أَسيلٌ مِن فَتاةٍ حَييَّةٍ
أَلا فَسَقاها كُلُّ مُزنٍ مُبَعِّجِ

5. So life is only that I visit you safely
As was our custom before my war and my way out

٥. فَما العَيشُ إِلا أَن أَزورَكِ آمِناً
كَعادَتِنا مِن قَبلِ حَربي وَمَخرَجي

6. And you are nothing but the death of the soul and passion
Peace be upon you from a loving, ruffled lover

٦. وَما أَنت إِلا مُنيَةُ النَّفسِ وَالهَوى
عَلَيكِ سَلامٌ مِن حَبيبٍ مُسَحَّجِ

7. And I am still imprisoned by your imprisonment, silent
And how could I bear what comes after it, difficult

٧. وَمازِلتُ مَحبوساً لِحَبسِكِ واجِماً
وَأَنّى بِما تَلقَينَ مِن بَعدِهِ شَجي

8. By God, did you see a knight like me
As they crept upon you from every corner

٨. فَبِاللَّهِ هَل أَبصَرتِ مِثلِيَ فارِساً
وَقَد وَلَجُوا عَلَيك مِن كُلِّ مولجِ

9. And one like me protecting the likes of you, I
Am firmer when a flood does not recede

٩. وَمِثلي يُحامي دونَ مِثلَكِ إِنَّني
أَشُدُّ إِذا ما غَمرَةٌ لَم تُفَرَّجِ

10. I strike them away from you with the sword so you may return
To security and lofty, luxurious life

١٠. أُضارِبُهُم بِالسَّيفِ عَنكِ لترجعي
إِلى الأَمنِ وَالعَيشِ الرَّفيعِ المُخَرفَجِ

11. When they surround me, I charge upon them
Like the charge of Abi Shibl in al-Kheys, confused

١١. إِذا ما أَحاطوا بي كَرَرتُ عَلَيهِم
كَكَرِّ أَبي شِبلَينِ في الخَيسِ مُحرَجِ

12. I called upon Shakiri, son of Kamil
He galloped away briskly, not zigzagging

١٢. دَعَوتُ إِلَيَّ الشاكِرِيَّ اِبنَ كامِلٍ
فَوَلَّى حَثيثاً رَكضُهُ لَم يَعَرِّجِ

13. And if they shouted my name, I turned upon them
The horses of generous striking, most of them terrified

١٣. وَإِن هَتَفوا بِاِسمي عَطَفتُ عَلَيهِمُ
خُيولَ كِرامِ الضَّربِ أَكثَرُها الوَجي

14. No wonder except the saying of Salma, my lamb:
"As for you, O son of the Freeman, take care!"

١٤. وَلا غَروَ إِلا قَولُ سَلمى ظَعينَتي
أَما أَنتَ يا اِبنَ الحُرِّ بِالمُتَحَرِّجِ

15. "Leave the people, do not kill them and get out safely
And prepare, may God guide you, with the horses and set out"

١٥. دَعِ القَومَ لا تَقتُلهُم وَاِنجُ سالِماً
وَشَمِّر هَداكَ اللَّهُ بِالخَيلِ وَاِخرُجِ

16. And I do hope, O daughter of goodness, that I see
In the best state of the hopeful, so desire

١٦. وَإِنّي لأَرجو يا اِبنَةَ الخَيرِ أَن أُرى
عَلى خَيرِ أَحوالِ المُؤَمِّلِ فَاِرتَجي

17. How excellent are my words to Red Tayy’
And Ibn Khulayd, the morning hastened, so slip away

١٧. أَلا حَبَّذا قولي لأَحمَرِ طَيِّءٍ
وَلابنِ خُلَيدٍ قَدَدنا الصُّبحُ فَاِدلُجِ

18. And say to this one, go secretly, and say to that one, set out
And say to another after that, release

١٨. وَقولي لِهَذا سِر وَقولي لِذا اِرتَحِل
وَقولي لِذا مِن بَعدِ ذَلِكَ أسرِجِ

19. And send honorable young men I love
As the dawn's ablution has not yet faded

١٩. وَسيري بِفِتيانٍ كِرامٍ أُحِبُّهُم
مغِذّاً وَضوءُ الصُّبحِ لَم يَتَبَلَّجِ

20. They obey an advisor, beneficial, disciplined
Through him, the pardon of the wealthy is sought by every aspiring one

٢٠. يُطيعونَ متلافاً مُفيداً مُعَدَّلاً
بِهِ يَرتَجي عَفوَ الغِنى كُلُّ مُرتَجِ