
A treacherous prince of the treacherous says:

يقول أمير غادر جد غادر

1. A treacherous prince of the treacherous says:
If only you had killed the martyred son of Fatimah,

١. يَقولُ أَميرٌ غادِرٌ جِدُّ غادِرٍ
أَلا كُنتَ قاتَلتَ الشَّهيدَ اِبنَ فاطِمَه

2. And my soul is anguished at his abandonment and seclusion,
And the pledge of allegiance to this covenant-breaking blamer.

٢. وَنَفسي عَلى خذلانِهِ وَاِعتِزالِهِ
وَبَيعَةِ هَذا الناكِثِ العَهد لائِمَه

3. Oh how I regret that I did not support him!
Every soul filled with regret did not guide it.

٣. فَوا نَدَمي أَلا أَكونَ نَصَرتُهُ
أَلا كُلُّ نَفسٍ لا تُسَدَّدُ نادِمَه

4. I wish I was among his defenders,
Full of sorrow that does not leave its companion.

٤. وَإِنّي لأَنّي لَم أَكُن مِن حُماتِهِ
لذو حسرَةٍ ما إِن تُفارِق لازِمَه

5. May God water the souls of those who donned
His support with continuous rainwater.

٥. سَقى اللَّهُ أَرواحَ الَّذينَ تَأَزَّروا
عَلى نَصرِهِ سُقيا مِنَ الغَيثِ دائِمَه

6. I stood at their graves and places,
The eyes almost bursting and the tears flowing.

٦. وَقَفتُ عَلى أَجداثِهِم وَمَجالِهِم
فَكادَ الحَشا يَنقَضُّ وَالعَينُ ساجِمَه

7. By my life, they were in battle my aid,
Quickly rushing to the fray, protectors with shining swords.

٧. لَعَمري لَقَد كانوا مَصاليتَ في الوَغى
سِراعاً إِلى الهَيجا حُماةً خَضارِمَه

8. They aided the son of the Prophet's daughter
With their swords, lions in fierce attacks.

٨. تَآسَوا عَلى نَصرِ اِبنِ بِنتِ نَبِيِّهِم
بِأَسيافِهِم آسادَ غيلٍ ضَراغِمَه

9. If they are killed, every cautious soul
On earth has become, for that, tearful.

٩. فَإِن يُقتَلوا فَكُلُّ نَفسٍ تَقِيَّةٍ
عَلى الأَرضِ قَد أَضحَت لِذَلِكَ واجِمَه

10. None who saw them at death
Were nobler than them, a blossoming society.

١٠. وَما إِن رَأى الراؤونَ أَفضَلَ مِنهُم
لَدى المَوتِ ساداتٍ وَزهراً قماقِمَه

11. You kill them unjustly and still desire our affection!
Leave off a plan that does not suit us.

١١. أَتَقتُلُهُم ظُلماً وَتَرجو وِدادَنا
فَدَع خُطَّةً لَيسَت لَنا بِمُلائِمَه

12. By my life, you have opposed us by killing them,
So many resentful ones among us resentful.

١٢. لَعَمري لَقَد راغَمتُمُونا بِقَتلِهِم
فَكَم ناقِمٍ مِنّا عَلَيكُم وَناقِمَه

13. I am bitter to march in an army
To a group that deviated from truth unjustly.

١٣. أَهمُّ مراراً أَن أَسيرَ بِجَحفَلٍ
إِلى فِئَةٍ زاغَت عَنِ الحَقِّ ظالِمَه

14. Refrain, or I will visit you in battalions
More severe upon you than charging horses.

١٤. فَكُفّوا وَإِلا زُرتُكُم في كَتائِبٍ
أَشَدَّ عَلَيكُم مِن زُحوفِ الدَّيالِمَه