
Blaming does no good, nor does it let up,

إن الملامة لا تبقي ولا تدع

1. Blaming does no good, nor does it let up,
And only increases your distress.

١. إِنَّ المَلامَةَ لا تُبقي وَلا تَدَعُ
وَلا تَزيدُكَ إِلا أَنَّها جَزَعُ

2. Do not blame Sa'd, make excuses for him,
They had no purpose - how vile their deed!

٢. لَم تُبقِ مَعذِرَةً سَعدٌ فَأَعذُرها
وَلا مُرادٌ وَكانوا بِئسَ ما صَنَعوا

3. I did not like what the Banu Harith said
To the prince - evil is obscene speech.

٣. وَالحارِثِيّونَ لَم أَرضَ الَّذي نَطَقوا
عِندَ الأَميرِ وَشَرُّ المَنطِقِ الشَّنِعُ

4. They betrayed their safety, we'll go to our prince,
And they lowered their necks in disgrace.

٤. تَبادَروا أَمنَهُم نَأتي أَميرَهُم
وَلِلمذَلَّةِ في أَعناقِهِم خَضَعوا

5. You have arrived, so taste the bitterness of your origin,
After it no ease or satiation comforts you.

٥. فَقَد وَرَدتُم فَذوقوا غِبَّ مصدَرِكُم
لا يَهنِكُم بَعدَهُ رِيٌّ وَلا شِبَعُ

6. What will you say, and Ibn Al-Harr imprisoned,
Mudhijiyya threatened him and his nose hacked off.

٦. ماذا تَقولونَ وَاِبنُ الحَرِّ مُحتَبِسٌ
هَمَّت بِهِ مَذحِجٌ وَالأَنفُ مجتَدَعُ

7. Mudhij stained what the Euphrates' waters cannot wash away
For Al-Naja'a did not witness it.

٧. قَد جُلِّلَت مَذحِجٌ ما لَيسَ يَغسِلُهُ
ماءُ الفُراتِ لأَن لَم تُشهَدِ النجعُ

8. The warriors among the tribes directing their zeal
Where the noble manes are cropped.

٨. الضَّارِبونَ مِنَ الأَقوامِ هامَهُمُ
بِحَيثُ يُفرَعُ عَن هاماتِها الصَّلَعُ

9. The spearmen whose palms did not tremble
When the tall spears in the warriors' hands were wielded.

٩. وَالطاعِنونَ وَلَم تَرعَش أَكُفُّهُمُ
إِذا العَوالي بِأَيدي القَومِ تُختَرَعُ

10. The aroma of the bedouins, chiefs like
The shine of swords that smiths have not forged.

١٠. شُمُّ العَرانينِ ساداتٌ كَأَنَّهُمُ
بيضُ السُّيوفِ الَّتي لَم يَعلها الطَّبعُ

11. I hope that my father Nu'man will take a stand when they are fearful
And will take on the gravity of the matter.

١١. أَرجو قِيامَ أَبي نُعمانَ إِذ رَهِبوا
وَمِثلُهُ بِحَسيمِ الأَمرِ يَضطَلِعُ

12. That he may release the slaves of Allah from shackles
After you there is no hope to set them free.

١٢. بِأَن تَفكَّ عُبَيد اللَّهِ مِن كَبَلٍ
فَلَيسَ بَعدَكَ في إِخراجِهِ طَمَعُ

13. Make an effort - your ransom - and all the tribes
After it do not neglect good endeavors.

١٣. فَاِجهِد فدىً لَكَ وَالأَقوامُ كُلُّهُمُ
ما بَعدَها عَن مَساعي الخَيرِ مُتَّبَعُ

14. So extend your hands, for charity is quickly rewarded,
Its loftiness and the tribe's generosity plead for it.

١٤. فَاِبسط يَدَيكَ فَإِنَّ الخَيرَ مُبتَدَرٌ
عَلياؤُهُ وَجُدودُ القَومِ تَصطَرِعُ

15. A torch and beacon have been presented to you
From Malik, and goodness is thus regained.

١٥. قَد قُدِّمَت لَكَ مَشعاةٌ وَمَأثَرَةٌ
مِن مالِكٍ وَكَذاكَ الخَيرُ مُنتَجَعُ