
I say to my companions under the folds of Jazir

أقول لأصحابي بأكناف جازر

1. I say to my companions under the folds of Jazir
And its branches, do you think of returning?

١. أَقولُ لأَصحابي بِأَكنافِ جازِرٍ
وَرَاذانِها هَل تَأمَلونَ رجوعا

2. A man said: Alas! I am not going back
And you were not good at being hopeless about him

٢. فَقالَ اِمرؤٌ هَيهاتَ لَستُ بِراجِعٍ
وَلَم تَكُ لِلتَقنيطِ مِنهُ بَديعا

3. So I swung my sword at him, and that is my condition
For whoever I do not find listening and obedient.

٣. فَعَمَّمتُهُ سَيفي وَذَلِكَ حالَتي
لِمَن لَم أَجِدهُ سامِعاً وَمُطيعا