1. And white I had awakened him after a sleep
And the night had worn the striped shirt
١. وَأَبيَض قَد نَبَّهَتهُ بعد هَجعةٍ
وَقَد لَبسَ اللَّيلُ القَميصَ الأَرند جا
2. I found him lovesick so I took him
And opened what might thereby be opened
٢. وَجدت عَلَيهِ مغرماً فَقَبَضته
وفرّجت ما يُرجى بِهِ أَن يفرّجا
3. And whenever my people called me for help
I tightened my belt when called and saddled up
٣. وَكُنتُ إِذا قَومي دَعوني لِنَجدَةٍ
شَدَدتُ نِطاقي حينَ أُدعى وَأُسرجا
4. So uncover her worries and gain spoils
And extinguish what was inflamed in it
٤. فاكشف غمّاها واكسب مغنماً
واطفي الذي قد كان فيها مؤججا