1. Did you not know, O mother of repentance, that I
Am quick to grasp the events of time, not dull
١. أَلَم تَعلَمي يا أُمَّ تَوبَةَ أَنَّني
عَلى حدثانِ الدَّهرِ غَيرُ بَليدِ
2. I hold fast my reigns against all hated things
And for what has passed, I have a heart of ice
٢. أَشُدُّ حَيازيمي لِكُلِّ كَريهَةٍ
وَأَنّي عَلى ما نابَ جِدُّ جَليدِ
3. What the liar left of our possessions
And the raiders, save for a few scraps
٣. وَما تَرَكَ الكَذّابُ مِن جُلِّ مالِنا
وَلا الزرقُ مِن هَمدانَ غَيرَ شَريدِ
4. Is it just that he take all I own
While the estate of Ibn Sa'id rests secure with me?
٤. أَفي الحَقِّ أَن يَجتاحَ مالِيَ كُلَّهُ
وَتَأَمنَ عِندي ضَيعَةُ ابنِ سَعيدِ
5. So if I do not repay them with a regiment by morn
I will grip their iron bonds with my bare hands
٥. فَإِن لَم أُصَبِّح شاكِراً بِكَتيبَةٍ
فَعالَجتُ بِالكَفَّينِ غِلَّ حَديدِ
6. They wrecked my home and led my wife
To their prison, with Muslims as my witness
٦. هُمُ هَدَموا داري وَقادوا حَليلَتي
إِلى سِجنِهِم وَالمُسلِمونَ شُهودِي
7. And they rushed her to draw her veil
How strange, has time thus fettered me?
٧. وَهُم أَعجَلوها أَن تَشُدَّ خِمارَها
فَيا عَجَبا هَلِ الزَّمانُ مُقيدِي
8. I am no son of the free man if I do not tend them
With horses that clash with black lances
٨. فَما أَنا بِاِبنِ الحُرِّ إِن لَم أَرُعهُمُ
بِخَيلٍ تَعادى بِالكُماةِ أسودِ
9. My horses did not flee, but I drove them
Against a mighty horde, fully equipped
٩. وَما جَبُنَت خَيلي وَلَكِن حَمَلتُها
عَلى جَحفَلٍ ذي عُدَّةٍ وَعَديدِ
10. My horses know that I, if blocked from the thrust
Will dodge behind the boulders and pretend
١٠. وَقَد عَلِمَت خَيلي بِساباطَ أَنَّني
إِذا حيلَ دونَ الطَّعنِ غَيرُ عنودِ
11. Ancestral inheritances are ours, long passed down
When our swords are done with one regiment
١١. أكُرُّ وَراءَ المَحجرَينِ وَأَدَّعي
مَواريثَ آباءٍ لَنا وَجُدودِ
12. We fling another at dawn into lethargy
If they come out of a trance, my prayers and goading
١٢. إِذا فَرَغَت أَسيافُنا مِن كَتيبَةٍ
نَبَذنا بِأُخرى في الصَّباحِ ركودِ
13. And cheering drive them back for me
I say to them, complete the ransom of my father
١٣. وَإِن خَرَجوا مِن غَمرَةٍ رَدَّها لَهُم
دُعايَ وَتَحريضي لَهُم وَنَشيدِي
14. And all I own, my kids and wife
I ransom them with my parents, and among them
١٤. أَقولُ لَهم تِمُّوا فِدىً والِدي لَكُم
وَمالي جَميعاً طارِفي وَتَليدِي
15. Are wounds like burning embers
You see the spatter amidst the striking of swords between them
١٥. أُفَدّيهِمُ بِالوالِدَينِ وَفيهِمُ
نَوافِذُ طَعنٍ مِثل حَرّ وقودِ
16. With cheeks streaming blood and reddened necks
It changed the hues of the swords between us
١٦. تَرَى النَّضحَ مِن وَقعِ الأَسِنَّةِ بَينَهُم
جَسيداً بِلَبّاتٍ لَهُم وَخُدودِ
17. To red from the tributaries of veins, the quarry
They and we spun around, and spun were their souls
١٧. وَغَيَّرَ أَلوانَ الأَسِنَّةِ بَينَنا
بِأَحمَرَ مِن صَوبِ العُروقِ فَصيدِ
18. With every threat, a different executioner
And the people of Maqati' surrendered their souls
١٨. فَدارَت رَحانا وَاِستَدارَت رَحاهُمُ
وَكانَ جِلادٌ دونَ كُلِّ وَعيدِ
19. As each fugitive took flight
They called me to what I loathe, so I answered them
١٩. وَأَبسَلَ أَهلُ المَأقِطين نُفوسَهُم
مُضاربَةً إِذ طارَ كُلُّ شرودِ
20. I am no easy mark if they call from afar
I offer my dowry in the fray, then wheel around
٢٠. دَعَوني إِلى مَكروهِها فَأَجَبتُهُم
وَما أَنا إِذ يَدعونَني بِبَعيدِ
21. The straps of the saddle, never shy
When they threaten me with swords, I overwhelm them
٢١. أُقَدِّمُ مَهري في الوَغى ثُمَّ أَنتَحي
عَلى قَرَبوسِ السَّرجِ غَيرَ صدودِ
22. With a spirit that fears not the plunge
I did not cast till the people fell in rapture
٢٢. إِذا ما اِتَّقوني بِالسُّيوفِ غَشيتُهُم
بِنَفسٍ لِما تَخشى النُفوسُ وَرودِ
23. Intoxicated, though they tasted no wine
But it was the sublime that fell between them
٢٣. فَما رمتُ حَتّى صُرِّعَ القَومُ نَشوَةً
سُكارى وَما ذاقوا شَرابَ حُدودِ
24. To finish off whoever neared the abode of eternity
It was as if the heads of the armored men in the eve
٢٤. وَلَكِنَّ وَقعَ المشرَفِيَّةِ بَينَهُم
لِتُجهِزَ من يَدنو لِدارِ خُلودِ
25. Were seeds of bitter colocynth strewn on the ground
So the clouds lifted from them and parted
٢٥. كَأَنَّ رُؤوسَ الدَّارِعينَ عَشِيَّةً
مِنَ الحَنظَلِ المُلقى بِكُلِّ صَعيدِ
26. While we remained both witness and judge
٢٦. فَأَقلَعَتِ الغَمّاءُ عَنهُم وَفُرِّجَت
وَنَحنُ بِها مِن كاتِمٍ وَشَهيدِ