
And we refused our father to settle in his darkness

وقدما أبينا أن يقر ظلامه

1. And we refused our father to settle in his darkness
And we strengthened every weakness of the matter

١. وَقدماً أَبينا أَن يَقِرَّ ظلامه
وَقدماً وثقنا كُل فَتقٍ مِنَ الأَمرِ

2. And how many unwilling fathers we robbed of will
With our swords until he stood firm in hardship

٢. وَكَم مِن أَبِيّ قَد سَلَبناهُ وقرَهُ
بِأَسيافِنا حَتَّى أقام على العُسرِ

3. With a blow that removes resolve from his dwellings
And a stab with the edges of the reddened sword

٣. بِضَرب يزيل الهام عَن سَكناتِه
وَطعنٍ بِأَطرافِ المثقّفة السمرِ

4. And from the followers of al-Mukhtar before we quenched them
With blows upon their skulls dispelling sorcery

٤. وَمِن شيعةِ المُختار قَبل سقيتها
بِضَربٍ عَلَى هاماتِهم مُبطل السِّحرِ