1. With what misfortune or favor
Is a Muslim brought before me, and the mutilated one,
١. بَأَيِّ بَلاءٍ أَم بِأَيَّةِ نِعمَةٍ
يُقَدَّمُ قَبلي مُسلِمٌ وَالمُهَلَّبُ
2. And the son of Manjuf is called ahead of me as if he
Were a eunuch who came for water while the camels drink?
٢. وَيُدعى اِبنُ مَنجوفٍ أَمامي كَأَنَّهُ
خَصِيٌّ أَتى لِلماءِ وَالعَيرُ يَشرَبُ
3. The chief of Tameem, his head like a black cloud,
And the spying, fearful Gheelan from us.
٣. وَشَيخُ تَميمٍ كَالثُغامَةِ رَأسُهُ
وَغَيلانُ عَنّا خائِفٌ مُتَرَقِّبُ
4. I made the palaces of Azd, between Manbij
And Ghaf, in the valley of Oman, my target,
٤. جَعَلتُ قُصورَ الأزدِ ما بَينَ مَنبِجٍ
إِلى الغافِ مِن وادي عُمانَ تُصَوّبُ
5. A land which our swords drove the enemy away from
And which the forsakers of homes left it yellow.
٥. بِلادٌ نَفى عَنها العَدُوَّ سُيوفُنا
وَصُفرَةُ عَنها نازِحُ الدارِ أَجنَبُ
For the evil of a misfortune or to kill my tribe
٦. بِسوءِ بَلاءٍ أَم لِقتلِ عَشيرَتي
أذَلُّ وَأَقصى عَن حجاباتِ مُصعَبِ