
Has not the news reached the young men of Egypt that I

ألا هل أتى الفتيان بالمصر أنني

1. Has not the news reached the young men of Egypt that I
Have captured the most glorious warrior with a date pit

١. أَلا هَل أَتى الفِتيانَ بِالمِصرِ أَنَّني
أَسَرتُ بِعَينِ التَّمرِ أَروَعَ ماجِدا

2. And separated the horses when they had come together
By stabbing a man who had risen from his seat

٢. وَفَرقتُ بَينَ الخَيلِ لَمّا تَواقَفَت
بِطَعنِ اِمرِئٍ قَد قامَ مَن كانَ قاعِدا