
If my horses hesitated the day of Tikrit

إن تك خيلي يوم تكريت أحجمت

1. If my horses hesitated the day of Tikrit
And my knights were killed, I was not wavering,

١. إِن تَكُ خَيلي يَومَ تَكريتَ أَحجَمَت
وَقُتِّلَ فُرساني فَما كُنتُ وانِيا

2. I was not hesitating, but a challenger,
I fight them alone, one by one and then two by two.

٢. وَما كُنتُ وَقَّافاً وَلَكِن مُبارِزاً
أُقاتِلُهُم وَحدي فُرادى وَثانِيا

3. Amr ibn Jundab, the lionheart of Asad, called me,
So I said "Here I am!" when he called me.

٣. دَعاني الفَتى الأَسدِيُّ عَمرُو بنُ جُندَبٍ
فَقُلتُ لَهُ لَبَّيكَ لَمّا دَعانِيا

4. And I swear, if I could ransom him, I would ransom him
With my family and all I had gathered, young and old.

٤. وَأُقسِمُ لَو فُودِيتُهُ لَفَدَيتُهُ
بِأَهلي وَما جَمَّعتُ كَهلاً وَناشِيا

5. It is hard for the free man's son to return defeated
While you lie dead among the slain of Tikrit.

٥. يَعِزُّ عَلى اِبنِ الحُرِّ أَن راحَ راجِعاً
وَخُلِّفتَ في القَتلى بِتَكريتَ ثاوِيا

6. By my life! I have lunged my spear in your defence
And fought them, if only the head had protection.

٦. لَعَمري لَقَد طاعَنتُ دونَكَ بِالقَنا
وَجالَدتُهُم لَو أَنَّ لِلحَتفِ واقِيا

7. By my life! You have pained me when they fled away
While I remain, praised for the encounter, consoling myself.

٧. لَعَمري لَقَد آسَيتَني حينَ أَدبَروا
وَما زِلتُ مَحمودَ اللِّقاءِ مُواسِيا

8. I did not expect, as I fought in their place,
That their enemy would end up behind me!

٨. وَما كانَ ظَنِّي إِذ أُقاتِلُ دونَهُم
عَدُوَّهُمُ أَلا يَكونوا وَرائِيا

9. Oh, how I wish I knew, after what I have seen,
Will I ever see a group of my people in support and allegiance?

٩. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَرى بَعدَما أَرى
جَماعَةَ قَومي نصرَةً وَالمَوالِيا

10. Will I ever curb the steeds in Kufa, travelling far,
With reins flowing through skilled hands?

١٠. وَهَل أَزجُرَن بِالكوفَةِ الخَيلَ شُزَّباً
ضَوامِرَ تَردي بِالكُماةِ عَوادِيا

Then I will unleash Mus'ab and his soldiers upon them

١١. فَأَلقى عَلَيها مُصعَباً وَجُنودَهُ
فَأَقتُلُ أَعدائي وَأدرِكُ ثارِيا