1. And white I had awakened after a slumber
So he rose tightening the saddle while the man was drowsy
١. وَأَبيَضَ قَد نَبَّهتُهُ بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
فَقامَ يَشُدُّ السَّرجَ وَالمَرءُ ناعِسُ
2. Upon it a coat like lightning and whiteness
Illuminating as embers are kindled from fire
٢. عَلَيهِ دِلاصٌ كَالأَضاةِ وَبَيضَةٌ
تُضيءُ كَما يُذكي مِنَ النارِ قابِسُ