
I see in the narcissus garden a radiance

أرى في البهار النرجسي تلألؤا

1. I see in the narcissus garden a radiance
The eyes of the world are passionately admiring its beauty

١. أرى في البهار النرجسي تلألؤاً
عيون الورى مشغوفةً بالتماحه

2. As if the green meadows have worn its dress
In two types of cloud and comfort water

٢. كأن الرياض الخض صغن لباسه
بشكلين من ماء الغمام وراحه

3. Or time has clothed it with joy in its figure
With clothes of its dawn and morning

٣. أو الدهر رداه سروراً بشخصه
رداءئن من إسفاره وصباحه

4. Its ornaments in their colors are golden
And silvery during its beads and scarf

٤. فحلته في لونها ذهبيةً
وفضيةٌ أثناء عقد وشاحه

5. A beauty in which the spring has worn its finery
And the one who clothed it undoubtedly the light of its brilliance

٥. جمال به حل الربيع عراره
ومن كسى لا شك نور أقاحه

6. As time has adorned itself after a break
With the generosity of Ibn Abbad and the favor of its tolerance

٦. كما قد تحلى الدهر من بعد عطلةٍ
بجود ابن عبادٍ وفضل سماحه

7. With it hopes were attained in every desire
And the coolness of safety was announced under its wing

٧. به نيلت الآمال في كل بغيةٍ
وبوشر برد الأمان تحت جناحه