
O Ibad, the best of creation

عباد يا خير الورى

1. O Ibad, the best of creation
The one with whom praise becomes adorned

١. عباد يا خير الورى
ومن به تزهى المدحْ

2. O moon of the earth, and the one
Who ascended the sky and became eminent

٢. يا قمر الأرض ومن
علا سماء ورجح

3. Do you not see the roses, and how
They have smiled with a glance and a wink

٣. أما ترى الورد وقد
رنا بطرفٍ ولمح

4. As though it were blood that flowed
Over a surface of pure white radiance

٤. كأنه دمٌ جرى
على طلى بيضٍ وضح

5. Or a tender green branch that was bitten
By the gaze of an ardent lover, so it bled

٥. أو خذٍّ غضٍّ عضه
لحظ محبٍّ فانجرح

6. As though its breeze
Came from your perfect being and blew gently

٦. كأنما نسيمه
عن خلقٍ منك نفح