
He brought them with the glances of steeds, and there was no

أتاهم بألحاظ الجياد ولم يكن

1. He brought them with the glances of steeds, and there was no
Remote destination that escaped from watering places.

١. أَتاهُم بِأَلحاظِ الجِيادِ وَلَم يَكُن
لِيَنأى عَلَيها المَنزِلُ المُتَباعِدُ

2. They abandon waters for the journey and face
The blowing wind, while the wind is still.

٢. مِنَ اللاءِ يَهجُرنَ المِياهَ لَدى السُرى
وَيَعتَضن شَمَّ الجَوِّ وَالجَوُّ راكِدُ

3. Skilled at urging on lean beasts, as though
Upon them from dyeing with blood are corpses.

٣. مَرنٌ عَلى لَدعِ القَنا فَكَأَنَّما
عَلَيهِنَّ مِن صَبغِ الدِماءِ مَجاسِدُ

4. They spun the warp of lances then burned it;
For them from it unto victory a leader.

٤. نَسَجنَ مَلاءَ النَقعِ ثُمَّ حَرقنَهُ
بَكرُ لَها مِنهُ إِلى النَصرِ قائِدُ

5. Upon them from weaving of dust are mantles -
Fine, and from spraying of blood, necklaces.

٥. عَلَيهِنَّ مِن نَسجِ الغُبارِ غَلائِل
رَقاقٌ وَمِن نَضحِ الدِماءِ قَلائِدُ