
I pardoned this life for its misdeeds

صفحت لهذا الدهر عن سيئاته

1. I pardoned this life for its misdeeds
And counted the monastery's day among its virtues

١. صفحت لهذا الدهر عن سيئاته
وعددت يوم الدير من حسناته

2. And the morning found me at the saffron monastery
Reviving the heart's joy after its death

٢. وصبحت دير الزعفران بصنجةٍ
أعاشت سرور القلب بعد وفاته

3. I rebuilt the place of fun after its ruin
And reunited the fellowship of mankind after its dispersion

٣. عمرت محل اللهو بعد دثوره
وألفت شمل الانس بعد شتاته

4. And I socialized with all the pure hearted monks
Overlooking their fasts and prayers

٤. وعاشرت من رهبانه كل ما جن
تجاوز لي عن صومه وصلاته

5. And the meadows boasted of their beauty
So the young and old submitted to its qualities

٥. وأهيف فاخرت الرياض بحسنه
فأذعن صغراً وصفها لصفاته

6. The radiance of his rosy cheeks shone
And the myrtle branch bent from his movements

٦. جلا الاقحوان الغض نوار ثغره
ومال بغصن البان عن حركاته

7. And he intoxicated me with the sweetness of his saliva
And delighted me with the roses from his cheeks

٧. وأسكرني بالعذب من خمر ريقه
وأمتعني بالورد من وجناته

8. And when the night darkened, the brilliance of dawn returned
The darkness of night retreating from its light

٨. ولما دجا الليل استعاد سنا الضحى
براح نأت بالليل عن ظلماته

9. My fate brought me life almost to the point
That its generosity flowed before its emergence

٩. نصيبية عمرية كاد كرمها
بجوهرها ينهل قبل نباته

10. And he came closer to us in his brilliance
Like a heart too narrow for its thoughts

١٠. ونم إلينا دنها بضيائها
فكان كقلبٍ ضاق عن خطراته

11. So he gave her the roses from the dye of his cheek
And supported her with the charm of his glances

١١. فأهدى إليها الورد من صبغ خده
وأيدها بالفتك من لحظاته

12. And he continued to water me and drink while the wishes
Honestly told me of his affection

١٢. وما زال يسقيني ويشرب والمنى
تبشرني عنه بصدق عداته

13. Until a crucifix was placed between my neck and his
Diffusing musk from its scent

١٣. إلى أن تهادى بين نحري ونحره
صليبٌ يضوع المسك من نفحاته

14. And his crucifix frightened me
Due to the intensity of what some of its facets fear

١٤. وخوفني منه فخلت صليبه
لشدة ما يخشاه بعض وشاته