
Not every one who lengthens his braids

ما كل من طال عثنونه

1. Not every one who lengthens his braids
Grows in merit, O Abu Al-Fadl

١. ما كُلُّ مَن طال عُثنونهُ
يَزدادُ فَضلاً يا أَبا الفَضلِ

2. You lengthen your braids seeking glory
What glory in the tail of a mule?

٢. طَوَّلتَ عُثنونَكَ تَبغي العُلا
أَيُّ عَلا في ذَنَبِ البَغلِ

3. And I cannot count how many a man
I have seen learned yet lacking in reason

٣. وَلَستُ أَحصى كَم رَأَيتُ اِمرأً
الحَي وَلكِن كَوَسَجِ العَقلِ

4. With a beard filling up his chest
And a head as empty as a drum

٤. قَد مَلَأَت لِحيَتُهُ صَدرَهُ
وَرَأسُهُ أَفرُغُ مِن طَبلِ