
And a glowing goblet there, as though

ومدام كأنها في حشا الدنن

1. And a glowing goblet there, as though
'T were dust of dawn in hue of gloom,

١. وَمُدامٍ كَأَنَّها في حَشا الدَنْ
نِ صَباحٌ مُقارَنُ بِمَساءِ

2. A spirit with a body made of clay
Not blessed with length of days in it to stay.

٢. فَهِيَ نَفسٌ لَها مِنَ الطينِ جِسمٌ
لَم تُمَتَّع فيهِ بِطولِ البَقاءِ

3. I never dreamed before I met with her
A flame could burn, fanned but by splash of water.

٣. ما تَوَهَمتُ قَبلَها أَن في العا
لَمِ ناراً تُذكى بِقَرعِ الماءِ

4. She slipped; and morning from the dark of night
Fled, then shone forth e'en as the sun beams bright,

٤. بَزَلَت وَالضُحى عَنِ اللَيلِ مَحجو
بُ فَلاحَت كَالشَمسِ في الظُلماءِ

5. And dawn then followed, beauteous, but we turned
From its clear light as needing nought we yearned

٥. وَتَلاهُ الفَجرُ المُنيرُ فَعُفنا
هُ لِأَنّا عَن نورِهِ في غِناءِ

6. To add unto the radiance that she lent,
Flooding the place where we were with her glent.

٦. ما اِستَزَدنا بِهِ ضِياءً عَلى أَيسَ
رَ ما كانَ عِندَنا مِن ضِياءِ

7. She mixed clear glass and came as intertwined
With beam of light embracing wandering wind.

٧. مازَجَت جَوهَرَ الزُجاجِ فَجاءَت
كَشُعاعٍ مُمازِجٍ لِهَواءِ

8. The bubbles showed a full moon growing less
That passes with a wink or waving tress.

٨. وَتَجَلَّت مِن الحَبابِ بَدرٌ
يَتَلاشى بِاللَحظِ وَالإيماءِ

9. Green emerald with that light took on a dress
Till you might think it thinnest gauze in its finesse

٩. بَينَما تَكتَسي بِهِ زَردُ البَلو
رِ حَتّى تَرفُضُ مِثلَ الهَباءِ

10. As though the goblets were a silver bow
And stars therein that in the Swan do go.

١٠. فَكَأَنّا بَينَ الكُؤوسِ بِدُرٍّ
تَتَهادى كَواكِب الجَوزاءِ

11. And as the butler in his whiteness vies
With her who dons a gown of yellow dyes.

١١. وَكأَنَّ المُديرَ في الحِلَّةِ البَي
ضاءِ مِنها في حُلَّةٍ صَفراءِ

12. Sweet life where fancy strays 'twixt earnest, jest,
And youth's intoxication's more than palmwine zest.

١٢. حَبَذا العَيشُ حَيثُ تَسري الأَماني
بَينَ جَدِّ الغِنا وَهَزلِ الغِناءِ

١٣. حَيثُ سُكرُ الشَبابِ أَقضى عَلى قَل
بي وَأَمضى مِن نَشوَةِ الصَهباءِ