
The unruly she-mule has come bringing from her

قد جاءت البغلة السفواء يجلب

1. The unruly she-mule has come bringing from her
Flashes of lightning, a pouring rain moistening the meadows.

١. قَد جاءَتِ البَغلَةُ السَفواءُ يَجلِبُ مِن
ها البَرقُ غَيثُ نَدى يَنهَلُ ماطِرُهُ

2. A pure-bred, well-matched to her uncles, she has
By her pedigree exalted fame from both parents.

٢. عَريقَةٌ ناسَبَت أَخوالَها فَلها
بِالعُتقِ مِن كَرَمِ الجِنسَينِ فاخِرهُ

3. Her saddle and halter are fully packed, while she shows you
Her pace and beauty as she comes and goes.

٣. مِلءُ الحِزامِ وَمِلءُ اللَبَدِ مُجفَرَّةً
يُريكَ عائِبَها في الحَسَنِ حاضِرُهُ

4. The meadow offered her from its qualities a green
Lush spot, when its greenery was freshest.

٤. أهدى لها الروضُ من أوصافه شِيَةً
خضراء ناضرةً إذ حال ناضره

5. She's not the first camel-mare Hammad has led,
Nor, O glorious one, will she be the last.

٥. لَيسَت بِأَوَّلِ حَملان شَرِيَت بِهِ
حَمدى وَلآ هِيَ ياذا المَجدِ آخِرُهُ

6. How many before her raced with loosened rein,
Their hooves striking the gravel as they sped!

٦. كَم قَد تَقَدَّمَها مِن سابِحٍ بِيَدي
عَنانَهُ وَعَلى الجَوزاء حافِرُهُ