1. Each excellence for each kind and genus
Without the mirror's excellence, no doubt exists
١. كُلُّ فَضلٍ لِكُلِّ نَوعٍ وَجِنسِ
دونَ فَضل المِرآةِ مِن غَيرِ لِبسِ
2. Refined in gentleness and pure transparency
It is as cash in hand to see and touch
٢. لَطُفَت رِقَّةً وَفاضَت صَفاءً
فَهِيَ كَالمال في عيان ولمس
3. Circled with splendid light until
Beholders thought it was a piece of the sun
٣. وَاِستَدارَت بِباهِرِ النورِ حَتّى
ظَنَّها الناظِرونَ قِطعَةَ شَمسِ
4. It is the clearest brother revealing me
To myself and the closest friend providing my intimacy
٤. وَهِيَ أَصفى أَخٍ يَكشِف لي
عَنّي وَأَدنى خِلٍّ يُوَفِّرُ أُنسي
5. And if my companion moves apart from me
My gaze remains with it, conversing with my soul
٥. وَإِذا ما نَأى نَديمي عَنّي
ظَلَّ طَرَفي بِها يُنادِمُ نَفسي