
How many a station between Kelothi and Katrabul

كم للصبابة والصبا من منزل

1. How many a station between Kelothi and Katrabul
Has the morning cloud watered from its rain clouds,

١. كَم لِلصَبابَةِ وَالصِبا مِن مَنزِلِ
ما بَينَ كَلواذي إلى قَطرَبُّلِ

2. Dispensing with the direction of easy life and its shimmering mirage.
When the lightning of the rain cloud flashed,

٢. جادَتهُ مِن ديمِ المُدامِ سَحائِب
أَغنَتهُ عَن صَوبِ الحَيا المُتَهَلِّلِ

3. Its thunder stirred the heavy-laden clouds,
Its direction softened and its struggle rejuvenated,

٣. غَيثٌ إِذا ما الراحُ أَومَضَ بَرقُهُ
فَرُعودهُ حَثَّ الثَقيلِ الأَوَّلِ

4. Yearning to relieve the distress of souls.
I sipped the wine-cup whose bending almost made me fall

٤. لَطفت مَواقِعُ صَوبهُ فَسجالهُ
تَهمى عَلى كَربِ النُفوسِ فَتَنجَلي

5. Towards the gazelle with the soft neck and large black eyes.
Then came the dawn when sunlight embroidered its garment

٥. راضَعتُ فيهِ الكَأسَ أَهيَفَ يَنثَني
نَحوي بِجيدِ رَشاً وَعَينَي مُغزِلِ

6. With interwoven threads of saffron dye.
The wild plums dressed it with a dye. Oh, would that

٦. فَأَتى وَقَد نَقَشَ الشُعاعُ ثِيابَهُ
بِمُمَزَّجٍ مِن نَسجِها وَمُثقَلِ

7. It had never been separated from its time!
The kindler ignited its flints, so it burst forth

٧. وَكَسا البَنانُ بِها خضاباً يا لَهُ
لَو أَنَّهُ مِن وَقتِهِ لَم يَنصُلِ

8. Like unbound wine, and the water could not quench it.
I thought the goblet was a glowing coal.

٨. قَدَح البزال زَنادُها مِن دَنِّها
فَتَهافَتَت مِثلَ الشَرابِ المُرسَلِ

9. So I came to a halt at a watering place and drank the sweetest drink,
I drank from the most delicious spring, and in neither intoxication nor sobriety

٩. وَطَغَت لِعَجزِ الماءِ عَن إِطفائِها
حَتّى ظَنَنتُ الكَأسَ جَذوَةَ مُصطَلي

10. Did disgrace make me withdraw or honor make me refuse.

١٠. فَوَرَدتُ أَروي مَورِدٍ وَشَرِبتُ أَح
لى مَشرَبٍ وَنَهَلتُ أَعذَبَ مَنهَلِ