
The honor of Sayf al-Dawla's hope which

ورجاء سيف الدولة الشرف الذي

1. The honor of Sayf al-Dawla's hope which
Detail falls short of detailing it

١. ورجاء سيف الدولة الشرف الذي
يتقاصر التفصيل عن تفصيله

2. I secured my deference to his call so he returned it
Generously, free from the journey of doubts with his asking

٢. ضمنت تأميلي نداه فرده
جذلان من سفر الظنون بسؤله

3. And I awoke when I reached the roses of his grant
From roses whose grant was miserly in its stinginess

٣. وأفقت حين بلغت ورد نواله
عن ورد ممتنع النوال بخيله

4. So the rain envies me for his gifts
And time envies me for his favors

٤. فالغيث يغبطني على إنعامه
والدهر يحسدني على تاميله