
The cage is home to birds, where they make their abode

بالقفص للقصف منزل كثب

1. The cage is home to birds, where they make their abode
Free birds have no joy outside their natural mode

١. بِالقَفصِ لِلقَصفِ مَنزِل كَثَبُ
ما لِلتَصابى في غَيرِهِ أَرَبُ

2. Bliss has made it a place full of joy and delight
Play and music and dance are hosted here at night

٢. جادَت بِهِ ديمَةُ السُرورِ وَحَل
ل اللَهو فيهِ وَعَرَّسَ الطَربُ

3. Stars of happiness orbit in its celestial sphere
My exuberance made it the pole and axis here

٣. دارَت نُجومُ السُرورِ في فَلَكٍ
منه لَهُ مِن فُتُوَّتي قَطَبُ

4. Each part of it seems like a vision that could
Almost with a glance, gently be robbed

٤. مِن كُلِّ جِسمٍ كَأَنَّهُ عَرَضٌ
يَكادُ لُطفاً بِاللَحظِ يُنتَهبُ

5. An illusion, though constant, and water though
Would spill if tipped, and perfect but for one flaw

٥. نورٌ وَإِن لَم يَغِب وَوَهمٌ وَإِن
صَحَّ وَماءٌ لَو كانَ يَنسَكِبُ

6. Which is its broadcasting the secret I hide
In its enclosure from which I cannot divide

٦. لا عَيب فيهِ سِوى إِذاعَتهُ السْ
سِرَّ الَّذي في حَشاهُ يُحتَجِبُ

7. As if hypocrisy formed it, so that in the end
Neither truth nor falsehood from it I can defend

٧. كَأَنَّما صاغَهُ النِفاقُ فَما
يُخلِصُ مِنهُ صِدقٌ وَلا كَذِبُ

8. It takes the color of what sits next to its space
Matching each nature that it needs to embrace

٨. فَهُوَ إِلى لَون ما يُجاوِرُهُ
عَلى اِختِلافِ الطِباعِ يَنتَسِبُ

9. When the base claim it, it rejects their lie
As the wine stains its gold to redden its dye

٩. إِذا اِدَّعاهُ اللَجينُ أَكذَبَهُ
بِالراحِ في صَبغِ جِسمِهِ الذَهَبُ

10. The bride of revelry graced it, radiant and fair
With rhythms and melodies filling the air

١٠. جَلَت عَروسُ المَدامِ حالِيَةً
فيهِ عَلَينا الأَوتارُ وَالنَخبُ

11. The wine is a moon and the cup is its crescent phase
The sky is my palm and the stars are beloved maze

١١. فَالراحُ بَدرٌ وَالجامُ هالَتُهُ
وَالأُفُقُ كَفي وَالأَنجمُ الحَبَبُ

12. The water let go its nature with perfect blend
Mixing with us until we saw it ignite

١٢. حالَ بِهِ الماءُ عَن طَبيعَتِهِ
بِالمَزجِ حَتّى خلناهُ يَلتَهِبُ

13. In a gathering where cups, not jars, bring around
Wine that for homelessness provides the best ground

١٣. وَنَحنُ في مَجلِسٍ تُديرُ بِهِ ال
خَمرَ عَلَينا الأَقداحُ لا العُلَبُ

14. Forgetting home when immersed in joy is found
By those who from home for happiness are bound

١٤. يَنسى بِأَوطانِهِ الحَنينَ إِلى ال
أَوطانِ مَن بِالسُرورِ يَغتَرِبُ

15. Without my famous self-restraint I could not feel secure
Far from Baghdad, finding in Aleppo my cure

١٥. لَولا حِفاظي المَشهورما أَمِنت
مِن بُعدِ بغدادَ سَلوَتى حَلَبُ