1. The rose was shy in the presence of spring
So it walked with its blush amidst the yellow
١. خَجَل الوَرد مِن جَوارِ البَهارِ
فَمَشى بِاِحمِرارِهِ في اِصفِرارِ
2. And the water told of the two a red tale
Of beauty adorned with blossoms
٢. وَحَكى الماءُ فيهِما أَحمَرَ اليا
قوتِ حُسناً مُرَصَّعاً بِنَضارِ
3. United in perfection in a pond that gathered
Beauty that pleases the sights of civilizations
٣. جُمِعا بِالكَمالِ في بِركَةٍ تُم
تعُ حُسنا نَواظِرَ الحُضّارِ
4. The water reddened with anemones, so
The fire swore by the water, its opposite
٤. أَضرَمَ الماءُ بِالشَقيقِ بِها النا
رُ وَعَهدي بِالماءِ ضِدَّ النارِ
5. Thus we found the manners of our master Al-Zahr
Brilliance nurtured on flowers
٥. فوجدنا أخلاق سيدنا الزهْ
رذَكاءً تُربى عَلى الأَزهارِ
6. It remained, from it and its dew, for people
The companion of suns and moons
٦. ظَلَّت مِنهُ وَمِن نَداماهُ لِلأُن
سِ نَديمَ الشُموسِ وَالأَقمارِ