1. The sun has shed its robe of radiance
In turbulent darkness filling the space
١. في سالِبٍ لِلشَمسِ ثَوبَ ضِيائِها
بِعَجاجَةٍ مِلء الفَضاءِ لَهامِ
2. Like the night except the robe of its darkness
Is made of motes and its stars of glitter
٢. كَاللَيلِ إِلا أَنَّ ثَوبَ ظَلامِهِ
مِن عَثيرٍ وَنُجومُهُ مِن لامِ
3. Dusk meets dawn in its whiteness as though
Dawn meets dusk in its darkness
٣. يَلقى الدُجى مِن بيضِهِ بِضُحى كَما
يَلقى الضُحى مِن نَقعِهِ بِظَلامِ