
With frowning smiles and tempers refined

ومرنان معبسة ضحوك

1. With frowning smiles and tempers refined
Bearing, but moving not, and striking, but handless

١. وَمِرنانٍ مُعَبِّسَةٍ ضَحوك
مُهَذَّبَةِ الطَبائِعِ وَالكَيانِ

2. The lineage in her is nobly designed
Though she's not akin in her meanings

٢. مُغالِبَةٍ وَلَيسَ بِها حَراكٌ
وَباطِشَةٍ وَلَيسَ لَها يَدانِ

3. She flies with the swift, without wings to assist her
And beats them to the goal of the race as she ran

٣. لَها في الجارِحِ النَسَبُّ المُعَلّى
وَإِن هِيَ خالَفَتهُ في المَعاني

4. She reaches whatever she wills without legs
No camel has she, no ostrich to carry her plan

٤. تَطيرُ مَعَ البُزاةِ بِلا جَناحٍ
فَتَسبِقُها إِلى قَصَبِ الرِهانِ

5. She sees what no glance can take in at a time
No vision has she, she's sightless, and yet

٥. وَتُدرِكُ ما تَشاءُ بِغَيرِ رِجلٍ
وَلا باعٍ يَطولُ وَلا بَنانِ

6. She has members of sinew, of flesh, and the like
All the rest of her frame's made of lignum vitae

٦. وَتَلحَظُ ما يَكِلُّ الطُرفُ عَنهُ
بِلا نَظَرٍ يَصِحُّ وَلا عيانِ

7. The birds speak to her out of the air
In a tongue not a word of it comes from the lips

٧. لَها عُضوان مِن عَصَبٍ وَلَحمٍ
وَسائِرُ جِسمِها مِن خَيزُرانِ

8. If she does not incline to them, frowning dissent
Then of mud she can shape her a beak and eclipse

٨. يُخاطِبُ في الهَواءِ الطَيرُ مِنها
بِلَفظٍ لَيسَ يَصدُرُ عَن لِسانِ

9. Decked out, begirt, with a mantle and robes
Well-guarded, light-weighted; of neighbours the joy

٩. فَإِن لَم تُصغِ أَردَتها بِطَعنٍ
يَنوبُ الطينُ فيهِ عَنِ السِنانِ

10. Now female, now male, changing hues
In the dresses she borrows from each in her ply

١٠. مُقَرطَفَةٌ مُمَنطَقَةٌ خَلوبٌ
مُهَفهَفَةً مُخَفَّفَةً الجِرانِ

11. Ageing, yet daily her youth renewed
Till Time himself falters in following her track

١١. مُذَكَّرَةٌ مُؤُنَّثَةٌ تَهادى
مِنَ الأَصباغِ في حُلَلِ القِيانِ

12. As if God the Most Surety underwrote life for her
She stands pledged to us always to take nothing back

١٢. مُعَمِّرَةٌ تَزايَدُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
شَبيبِتُها عَلى مَرِّ الزَمانِ

13. Harder to reach than horizons remote
Sweeter to hold than all other delights

١٣. كَأَنَّ اللَهَ ضَمَنَها فَبانَت
لَنا في الرِّزقِ عَن أَوفى ضَمانِ

14. Whenever she comes and makes home in a place
The dearth and the arid must surely take flight

١٤. أَعَزَّ عَلى العُيونِ مِنَ المَآقى
وَأَحلى في النُفوسِ مِنَ الأَماني

١٥. إِذا ما اِستَوطَنَت يَوماً مَكاناً
تَوَلّى الجَدبُ عَن ذاك المَكانِ