
And a day when it seemed as though time forgave me for it

ويوم كأن الدهر سامحني به

1. And a day when it seemed as though time forgave me for it
So its name between us became a gift of time

١. وَيَومٍ كَأَنَّ الدَهرَ سامَحَني بِهِ
فَصارَ أَسمه ما بَينَنا هِبَةَ الدَهرِ

2. On it the steeds of youth flowed happily
To the honored monastery of Mourad and life

٢. جَرَت فيهِ أَفراسُ الصِبا بِاِرتِياحِنا
إِلى دَيرُ مُرّان المُعَظَّمِ وَالعُمرِ

3. Where the air of the two hills is fragrant
With the breeze of the winds and flowers

٣. بِحَيثُ هَواءَ الغَوطَتَينِ مُعَطَّرِ الن
نَسيمِ بِأَنفاسِ الرِياحينَ وَالزَهرِ

4. So from a garden of beauty another is fed
And from a river of plenty another river flows

٤. فَمِن رَوضَةٍ بِالحُسنِ تُرفِدُ رَوضَةً
وَمِن نَهرٍ بِالفيضِ يَجري إِلى نَهرِ

5. And in the frequented shrine I took my fill of it
And my friends, lawful after paying the dowry

٥. وَفي الهَيكَلِ المَعمورِ مِنهُ اِفتَرَعتُها
وَصَحبي حَلالاً بَعدَ تَوفيةِ المَهرِ

6. And I valued it beyond mere dinars
Thus have I continued to drink pure from the pure

٦. وَنَزَّهتُ عَن غَيرِ الدَنانيرِ قَدرَها
فَما زِلتُ مِنها أَشرَبُ التَبرَ بِالتبرِ

7. And made lawful what was forbidden of it
Can the forbidden be forbidden in the land of infidels?

٧. وَحَلَّ لَنا ما كانَ مِنها مُحَرَّماً
وَهَل يُحظَرُ المَحظورُ في بَلَدِ الكُفرِ

8. So the days gifted me on it an affection
That called me in secret and I responded in secret

٨. فَأَهدَت لي الأَيّامُ فيهِ مَوَدَّةً
دَعَتني في سِترٍ فَلَبَّيتُ في سِترِ

9. It came from noble nature, sincere inclination
Addressing me on the essence of poetry and prose

٩. أَتى مِن شَريفِ الطَبعِ أَصدَقَ رَغبَةً
تُخاطِبُني عَن مَعدَنِ النظمِ وَالنَثرِ

10. And my reply was obedience not refusal
For who does not respond to ease?

١٠. وَكانَ جَوابي طاعَةً لا مَقالَةً
وَمَن ذا الَّذي لا يَستَجيبُ إِلى اليُسرِ

11. I found eyes full of grace and resolve
Features sweetened with cheerfulness and glad tidings

١١. فَلاقَيتُ مِلءَ العَينِ نُبلاً وَهِمَّةً
مَحَلّى السَجايا بِالطَلاقَةِ وَالبَشرِ

12. And it shamed me with righteousness until I thought
It wanted to cheat me of my heavens though I knew not

١٢. وَأَحشَمَني بِالبِرِّ حَتّى ظَنَنتُهُ
يُريدُ اِختِداعي عَن جَناني وَلا أَدري

13. And it was pure from all but sincerity in our gathering
So we were like two hearts in one chest

١٣. وَنَزَّه عَن غَيرِ الصَفاءِ اِجتِماعَنا
فَكُنتُ وَإِيّاهُ كَقَلبَينِ في صَدرِ

14. And happiness willed that a third join us
Whether we floated by the full moon or my brother the moon

١٤. وَشاءَ السُرورُ أَن يَلينا بِثالِثٍ
فَلا طفنا بِالبَدرِ أَو بِأَخي البَدرِ

15. With eyes that grant what they desire of his beauty
And hearts that avoid me and keep distant

١٥. بِمُعطى عُيون ما اِشتَهَت مِن جَمالِهِ
وَمَضني قُلوبٍ بِالتَجَنُّبِ وَالهَجرِ

16. We plucked roses in their off season
And the basil bloomed from the gardens of his cheeks and lips

١٦. جَنينا جَنيَ الوَردِ في غَيرِ وَقتِهِ
وَزَهرَ الرُبا مِن رَوضِ خَدَّيهِ وَالثَغرِ

17. And he met us with his face and wine
Like two suns amid the darkness of night and hair

١٧. وَقابَلَنا مِن وَجهِهِ وَشَرابِهِ
بِشَمسَينِ في جُنحى دُجى اللَيلِ وَالشَعرِ

18. And sang till hearing became like seeing
Grasping the amplest share of his brilliant charms

١٨. وَغَنّى فَصارَ السَمعُ كَالطَرفِ آخِذاً
بِأَوفَرِ حَظٍّ مِن مَحاسِنِهِ الزُهرِ

19. And delighted us from his two cheeks with the likes of what
His hands mixed of water and wine

١٩. وَأَمتَعَنا مِن وَجنَتَيهِ بِمِثلِ ما
تَمَزَّجَ كَفّاهُ مِنَ الماءِ وَالخَمرِ

20. A sober joy we thanked when it called
To it and did not thank the joy of drunkenness

٢٠. سُرورٌ شكرنا منة الصحو إذ دعا
إِلَيهِ وَلَم نَشكُرُ بِهِ مِنَّةَ السُكرِ

21. As though the nights forgot him, so when
They awoke they turned loyalty to betrayal

٢١. كَأَنَّ اللَيالي نمنَ عَنهُ فَعِندَما
تَنَبَّهَنَّ نَكَّبنَ الوَفاءَ إلى الغَدرِ

22. He left and it was as though I had been
Worried, speaking of a phantom of the imagination passing

٢٢. مَضى وَكَأَنّي كُنتُ فيهِ مُهَوِّماً
يُحَدِّثُ عَن طَيفِ الخَيالِ الَّذي يَسري

23. Can man gain from all with which
Days indulge him save by remembrance?

٢٣. وَهَل يَحصُلُ الإِنسانُ مِن كُلِّ ما بِهِ
تُسامِحُهُ الأَيّامُ إِلّا عَلى الذِكرِ